Saturday, May 15, 2010

Manning "loves" opposition manifesto; suggests UNC staged hijacking of Kamla's car

Patrick Manning welcomed the UNC manifesto Friday night as a "gift from the Almighty God" and kissed the document as he addressed a political meeting in Mayaro.

"I have been waiting a long time for this document," he said as he kissed the document, which he said does not have a policy on natural gas, the largest revenue earner for the country.

he spoke of contradictions because of the way the People's Partnership is structure, noting that while Errol McLeod and Winston Dookeran support industrialisation, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, Mary King and Patrick Watson do not.

King and Watson are
environmentalists who contributed to the document.

"They are speaking through two sides of a fowl’s mouth," he said.

Manning also suggested that the armed hijacking of the official vehicle of opposition leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar might be bogus.

"If the threat is real, then the PNM wishes to condemn it in the strongest possible terms. PNM is not for that," he said. He said he wants to hear from police about the matter before saying more.

Manning has always trivialized crimes, calling murders "collateral damage" and saying that some of the reported kidnappings in the country are staged.

Last week when a death threat was made against Persad-Bissessar, he concluded that it was not real and told a public meeting that police had advised him that they knew the phone number from where the call was made.

He made that statement while police were still investigating the threat and police later denied that they had spoken with manning about the investigation.

Manning made a strong effort to show that politicians sometime stage attacks to gain points and evoke sympathy.

"So I could predict from now that you have more of that to get...because that is their modus operandi. We know it well. We want to hear what the police have to say about this one," he said

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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