Saturday, May 8, 2010

Letter: Did Manning tell another lie?

Does the still incumbent Prime Minister of T&T really have a clue about what is going on in the nation - or care?

Having just announced, on the political hustings I believe, that the Ag. Commissioner of Police had advised him that they knew the number from which the supposed death threat against the opposition leader, Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar, emanated and that he (Manning) could therefore categorically confirm that said threat was not authentic (a hoax to be precise), we today have a Commissioner of Police (Ag. albeit) denying said report.

Who do we believe?

Mr. Manning, from his own account, knows all about death threats, but apparently either does not himself put much store in the efficiency of our Police service or considers himself divinely protected.

If the latter be the case, why was he so worried when the Spiritual Baptist lady approached him on the platform mere days ago?

How many remember, some time ago, when bombs were exploding in POS our PM assured us that he knew the identity of Mr. Big.

Did he pass on this information to the Police, because we have never heard another word on that subject from the latter - just another unsolved matter, along with the thousands of unsolved murders!

Can we believe anything that our PM says?

To add insult to injury, Martin Joseph continues to assure us that the PNM government is going to gain control of the crime problem and is extolling the nation to find some quiet time and reflect on what the PNM government has done for the country before they go out to vote on May 24th, which date incidentally, our PM now advises he had in his back pocket since Oct. last year!

The nation doesn't need long I can assure Mr. Joseph - one minute will probably be too long!

There have been at least 175 murders for the year to date. Delusional personalities are a serious problem - particularly if they hold sensitive positions. The alternative to that is, of course, that they are outright liars.

Be not fooled by empty promises T&T. That evidence is there also.

Virginia Verity - via e/mail

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai