Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kamla promises Tobago hospital as top priority

Kamla Persad-Bissessar told Tobagonians Tuesday night that the Manning administration has treated them and their island with scorn and urged them to vote for change on May 24 so Trinidad and Tobago can stand side by side, not one behind the other.

The leader of the United National Congress (UNC) was speaking at a political meeting of the Tobago organization of the People (TOP), one of the five members of the People’s Partnership, which she heads.

She spoke of crime as a scourge in an island that depends on tourism for a substantial part of its revenue. And she lamented the fact that when major crimes take place “they have to import policemen from Trinidad” to help investigate.

She said countries like the United States have issues travel warnings to their citizens telling them when making reservations at private accommodations, they should ensure that 24-hour security is provided.

She said that is a deterrent to tourism and is costing the island significant loss in foreign exchange, “and more than that, it is costing Tobagonians thousands of dollars in income from businesses associated with the tourist trade.”

Persad-Bissessar also spoke of the controversial Tobago hospital that is still unfinished and million of dollars over the original cost estimate.

“The Scarborough hospital of shame promised by Patrick in 2005 is now five years overdue! We are in May 2010 now, and is the hospital finished? I tell you God alone knows when Tobagonians will be able to get any kind of medical attention at the new Scarborough hospital.

"They can find the resources to build the PM house in record time, but a hospital for the people of Tobago takes them 9 years!”

She found it strange that Health Minister Jerry Narace would say there is no cost overrun.

“The Scarborough hospital was budgeted to cost $135 million when it was started in March 2003…today the Scarborough hospital is estimated to cost $570 million and he says there is no cost overrun?

“The contract is already overrun by 422%. You should have built 4 hospitals in Tobago for that price! Instead Tobagonians have not even got ONE! Something is wrong with that!” she declared.

The UNC leader said the minister can say he is satisfied with the project because the PNM does not care about Tobago.

She made a commitment that a UNC-led government would make the completion of the hospital a priority.

“We will make sure that the relevant staff and state of the art equipment is provided to ensure that Tobagonians are treated with respect and have access to the hospital care they deserve,” she said.

Persad-Bissessar also spoke about what she said is an unacceptable situation with regard to the land titles.

“One of the most depressing things that I have heard on this platform here tonight is the fact that, after 48 years of independence, most Tobagonians still face great problems in getting land titles for property here in Tobago…

“Because of this you cannot transfer land to your children and your parents cannot transfer property to you!

"You cannot go to the bank and get a loan to fix your house, to open a business, or to do anything else because you cannot prove the land is yours to start with. You cannot even apply for the grants and subsidies offered by the Government to upgrade your homes,” she said

She charged that the PNM has refused to fix this problem despite a recommendation since 2006 to the Tobago House of Assembly that outlines how to deal with the issue.

She promised to implement the recommendations of the report by the team headed by Dr. Eastlyn McKenzie.

“Tobagonians today remain unable to prove that their property is THEIRS! Why? Because the PNM has historically taken Tobago for granted. That is why they have treated you with scorn," she said.

She added, “Your People’s Partnership is about serving YOU, the people of this country first, second and third. That is our purpose!”

She also promised to have a fully functioning and adequately staffed Register General’s office in Tobago.

“I give you my personal assurance that we will find appropriate accommodation for the Registrar Generals office. We will change the way things are done in Tobago, and change it for the better.

"Every service available at the Registrar General’s offices in Trinidad will be available right here in Tobago…What the PNM has not done in eight years we will do in one month!”

She also had some specific pledges:

  • $3000 a month seniors’ pension
  • An expanded GATE program to incorporate foreign studies in priority areas and ensure that the program reaches a wider audience
  • An assault on crime
  • A resuscitated agricultural sector as part of a national food security plan
  • An anti Corruption Commission to investigate and prosecute any crime found in the award of contracts by the state
  • A procurement policy to ensure proper accounting procedures and transparency
  • Job creation with sustainable, permanent jobs in a wide variety of industries
  • Proper salaries, benefits and rights for CEPEP workers

“Let us bring Trinidad and Tobago together, powerful, capable and competent, united as one, as the Lord meant us to be. Do not let them divide you any more,” she said.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai