Saturday, May 1, 2010

Jack presents "smoking gun" email

The email that Jack Warner claims is the "smoking gun" to prove that there is a PNM conspiracy to smear him was allegedly send at 1:16 PM on April 29:

"Time is clearly not on our side. Everyday goes by the project becomes ever more difficult. Regardless of the conference it is very good to get our hands on Jennings’s info and use it in promotion.

"We can also help him get his research out on the street to raise the profile. I have a call and an e-mail into Jennings to discuss this and several other outstanding issues regarding the conference and his travel.

"The conference will be a good opportunity to showcase the overall FIFA corruption with Warner as the puppet master ....

"Every day we wait decreases the chances of success and increases the difficulty. Regardless, this is going to be tough but is critical to the campaign outcome.

"My recommendation is for us to engage Jennings, get what info he has, facilitate media at the conference for his event and manage interviews and media for him. We can also look to go live at the conference, although I have not seen his presentation I have offered Jennings help with it.

"In fact, it would be better to go live to tape and transmit the information back to Trinidad and Tobago for newscast and for replay and the Government’s station. We have done this before.

"It would be interesting also to develop a separate event in T&T or make Jennings available with telephone interviews with local media from Miami.

"Time is closing and it will be tough for the client to transfer the necessary funds prior to the needs for us to be in Miami. Funds have to be transferred for Jennings from here, we may have to get creative with Valdez & Torry money through a sub-contract to Sanitas and then have the client pay you direct."

Warner said Valdez & Torry replied to the e-mail at 3.41 PM asking for a decision to be made on the conference.

He said the e-mail was also forwarded to PNM chairman Conrad Enill, Information Minister Neil Parsanlal, PNM Public Relations Officer Jerry Narace and Maxie Cuffie, who is the CEO of the Government Information Services Limited (GISL).

1 comment:

Preston said...

Jack Warner is becoming a national disgrace to Trinidad and Tobago.

Look at this man's behavior:

We can not take his paranoid ranting seriously when he attacks Andrew Jennings and anyone else. He is trying to make himself out to be the victim! Laughable.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai