Friday, April 16, 2010

Warner questions Rowley's nomination as PNM candidate

Jack Warner told supporters in St. Augustine Friday night he is "trembling" and "frightened" because he has to face an independent candidate on May 24.

He was commenting on a decision by former UNC leader Basdeo Panday to run against him in Chaguanas West. Panday told local media Friday he is running to make sure Warner is not "inflicted" on the population.

Commenting on the election date, he reminded his audience of the birth date of Queen Victoria, who ruled for 60 years as one of Britain's best loved monarchs.

He said her success was based on integrity, responsibility and duty.

He thanked Manning for choosing that historic date on which Kamla Persad-Bissessar will win the election, noting that like the monarch, she possesses the same qualities.

He promised liberation after "40 more days and forty more nights... and then we shall be free and all of us will say free at last."

He said May 25 is inauguration day for Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

He said he knew that a new era was upon the nation when he saw COP leader Winston Dookeran and Persad-Bissessar shake hands and say that they will never again be divided.

"Tell all the people...that on Monday May 24 Freedom Day will be here...let all of us get ready to dance the victory dance," he said.

But he cautioned supporters that they have to work for that victory dance by getting every vote out. He called on everyone to put aside differences and focus on the big picture and work as one for the greater good.

Warner also spoke about his amazement at learning that Keith Rowley will be a PNM candidate in the election. He said that he was surprised because the PNM had made every attempt to paint Rowley as corrupt, yet they find him competent to run for the party.

"I heard the prime minister call Rowley the worst kind of names...I sat in Parliament and listened to allegations of corruption made against Rowley's stewardship. I have never heard Patrick Manning apologize to Rowley," he said.

"The question I ask is on what basis did the PNM select Dr Rowley to be a candidate?" he asked. He said Manning, the attorney general and the line minister for housing have all said that Rowley is tainted.

He said no one in the PNM defended Rowley and no one has attempted to clear Rowley's name yet the PNM has nominated Rowley to be a candidate.

Warner outlined several of Manning's misdeeds, including UDeCOTT, and told his audience, "You cyar vote for that!"

The UNC chairman invited entertainer De Fosto to expand his point in song ... "Ah cyar vote for dat". De Fosto was joined on stage by others bearing placards to illustrate the several issues.

Warner resturned to announced that, "In the house of the rising sun you will have no cause for worry where there is hate we will show you love...where there is darkness we will bring light, where there is sadness we will bring joy... and when there is no manning, there will be Kamla."

"And I tell you, all of us can vote for that," he concluded.


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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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