Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Warner attacks Manning on campaign spending

UNC Chairman Jack Warner said Tuesday a suggestion by Prime Minister Patrick Manning that UNC television advertising could be in violation of Electoral laws on campaign spending "is a new high in brazen political hypocrisy and conman-ship, even for Patrick Manning".

In a media statement, Warner said Manning is directing tens of millions of dollars of public funds into government television commercials and press ads that that are nakedly the leading thrust in the PNM’s campaign advertising. He said the most glaring of which are the Errol Fabian TV commercials.

"In media reports, which have not been challenged, PNM party officials are reported have confirmed efforts to raise upwards of $150 million for the election campaign and said that they are in the process of raising $5 Million for at least one seat in the election," Warner said.

Warner noted that in 2007 the CARICOM election observer group raised concerns about the Manning regime’s massive expenditure on pre-election advertising and discussions among Community heads concluded that manning had crossed the line.

"The massive government diversion of public funds to blatant election campaign advertising is further proof on the endemic corruption of the Manning regime," Warner said.

"The outgoing Prime Minister’s incestuous appointment of his wife to Cabinet positions on three separate occasions, confirms the absence of any moral minimum in a party that once put forth “Morality in Public Affairs” as its motto.

"Manning’s lack of a moral minimum raises a question that Prime Minister Manning must answer: Tell us, Mr. Manning, in the unlikely event that you survive the election, what Ministries will you give to Mrs. Hazel Manning and Dr. Keith Rowley?

"The Prime Minister’s outburst about campaign spending is compelling proof that the Crazy TV commercials declaring that 'Patrick Manning Have to Go' is driving the PNM leader crazy.

1 comment:

Ronald Bhola said...

Money- a danger to democracy has been the dominant deity since 1995, and with the entry of JACK WARNER in 2007 money has been flowing like a dose of salts. The front burner issue now is JACK WARNER. CALDER HART is not mentioned as frequent as JACK WARNER.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai