Tuesday, April 6, 2010

UNC embraces all, remains servants of the people: Warner

UNC Chairman Jack Warner held discussion Tuesday with the President of The Republic of Korea, Lee Myung-Bak. Warner is expected to return to Trinidad on Wednesday.

Jack Warner said Tuesday Prime Minister Patrick Manning has lost the moral authority to govern. And Manning's decision to seek a fresh mandate midway in his elected term is Manning's admission that of his loss of "the moral authority expected of the nation’s highest elected official".

In a media statement from Korea where he is on official business, the chairman of the United national Congress (UNC) noted that Manning should have resigned, but "our discredited Prime Minister manifestly lacks the ethical and moral fibre to resign the high office he has dishonoured."

He added, "The country now expects the United National Congress, to replace the divisive governance of our outgoing Prime Minister with a government that is truly representative of and working for the benefit of all of the people of our plural society.

"Under the leadership of the Hon. Kamla Persad-Bissessar, the mission of the UNC is to constitute a government that, in contrast to the Manning regime, will be the servants of the people and not their masters."

Warner said thousands of people have applied for membership in the UNC since the change of leadership on January 24, 2010 and hundreds of professionals abroad have volunteered their services to the Party to strengthen "our resolve to unify our nation and improve the lives of all in our Republic."

He reiterated that the UNC embraces "our brothers and sisters in the Congress of the People and shares the COP’s commitment to a new quality of governance and to new levels of citizen participation that will forever banish the imperialistic tendencies and contempt for the people of future ‘Patrick Mannings’, ‘Marlene Mc Donalds’, Karen Nunez-Tesheiras and ‘Colm Imberts’.

"The UNC today is a Big Tent that welcomes all groups and individuals who are committed to nation building and pledges to restore dignity and primacy to sons and daughters of our soil who operate in the public service; in the health sector; in the arts; in the construction sector and in agriculture.

"It will only be matter of weeks now, before the people of Trinidad and Tobago take back their country," Warner stated.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai