Friday, April 16, 2010

"Take my hand and walk with me": Kamla

Kamla Persad-Bissessar told thousands of supporters in St Augustine Friday night the Manning government will go down to defeat on May 24 to a united opposition comprising the United National Congress (UNC), the Congress of the People (COP) and other political organizations opposed to the government.

"Do you have any doubts tonight?" she began. "This is when freedom comes. This is when justice will be realized. This is when Hope takes hold," she said.

"May 24 is liberation day," she said. "My friends we start making history today. Only a few hours ago negotiations were concluded between your great party and the Congress of the People."

She said people have been asking questions about whether this will work to take the nation forward. She said, "Yes we will!". She urged everyone to remain focused on the prize to make sure that the Manning regime is removed from office.

"This time will be different because there is no choice," she said. And if we are to embrace change, there is no choice...take my hand and join me on this path... together no one can stop.

"There are those who thought we could not come together. they were wrong! We must grab this moment and take back our country because our country was never for sale. Our country was never be used for personal gain," the UNC leader said.

"This will not be about me, it is about all of us is not about Mr Manning, it is not about is about the is about families struggling to make a is about a nation ready for change...ready to stand up ready for change," she said as she appealed to the nation to "give me your hand...our future is in our hand."

She said each person holds in her or his hand the most powerful weapon in a democratic state ... the finger with which each citizen will vote to preserve freedom. "From your energy...I know that change is coming," she said.

"The rising sun shines for all, it shines on all of God's creations...there can be no light without the sun...let me remind you that the darkest hour is just before the dawn," she said.

The UNC leader said a new dawn is at hand and called on supporters to make sure that everyone is registered by April 20 because this is not the time to sit on the fence.

"This time it’s too important. There can be no waking up the morning of May 25 with regrets that each one of us did not do all we could do. Now that our future is in our own hands. Let’s not hand it back. Take my hand and join me on this path. Today is when we start to make the future we want," she concluded.

1 comment:

Toymaker said...

Yes, and she said it over and over and over again.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai