Friday, April 9, 2010

Rowley ready to work with Manning, believes PNM can win election

Keith Rowley has been one of the most vocal critics of his former boss, but the Diego martin West MP is ready to run again as a candidate for the governing People's National Movement (PNM) in the general election.

And he thinks the PNM can win the election.

Rowley told the Trinidad Guardian he can work with and respect Patrick Manning. “I can work with anybody,” he said.

The former cabinet minister was kicked out of cabinet for raising serious oversight issues relating to the operations of UDeCOTT and its then executive chairman, Calder Hart, although Manning insists that he was fired for his "wajang" behaviour.

Rowley has remained loyal to his party despite differences with the leader.

He is facing an uphill battle in seeking the nomination for his party. All party groups in his Diegio Martin West constituency have nominated him but that doesn't guarantee that he will get the nod from the screening committee.

During his verbal battles with Manning Rowley had predicted that any future election would be fought on the issue of UDeCOTT and corruption. He told the Guardian Manning’s decision to dissolve Parliament at this time was likely influenced by the Uff report.

He still believes this would be the “UDeCOTT election.”

Rowley said he believes that while Manning may have pre-empted the con-confidence debate in Parliament, the issues that were to be in the legislature will emerge during the election campaign.

1 comment:

Ronald Bhola said...

Rowley's fear of a combined Opposition.

The Opposition must make sure that all 15 MPs are consulted and invited to contest the elections. The two month old executive must market the candidates. Persad Bissessar must talk with the founders of the UNC NOW! Keith Rowley says that he will work with Mr Manning, so Persad Bissessar must seize the initiative NOW and have a special meeting with the three stalwarts, Panday,Ramnath and Maharaj. She can then invite Dookeran to contest Chaguanas West and success is almost guaranteed.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai