Friday, April 30, 2010

Letter: Volney is not Lucky

Different strokes for different folks?

Herbert Volney has been offered an opportunity to be accepted or rejected by the electorate, at the risk of long term unemployment. His judgments have not been appealed.

Sitting Judge AnthonyLucky was offered the highest office in the land while secure in his position without risk. No questions were asked about his judgments in favour of the PNM government. How many of his judgments were overturned upon appeal?

Senior Lawyers routinely serve as fully empowered and obligated temporary judges and return to private practice unrestricted. Volney is being criticised for his act of bravery.

Serial accusations were levelled against Calder Hart who even now remains shielded by the PNM Government. Yet, investigations are allegedly underway to probe Volney for unsubstantiated accusations by persons unnamed.

What is sauce for the PNM goose is exclusive.

It is revelatory that Manning charged quite clearly that Volney may have given Judgements against the Republic of the PNM! This was an inspired blunder to self destruction.

If Judges are so distant from the welfare of the people that they stifle their political consciences and care nothing for their suffering, then there would be no more judges contemplating resignation.

But Judges have families that suffer from government malfeasance. Volney has pioneered a blazing trail.

Volney had recently applied for a Judicial position overseas. His disgust of the PNM administration was legend. His alternative choice is a blessing for T&T.

Destiny is playing its hand in the affairs of this land.

M.F. Rahman - via email.

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Jai & Sero

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