Sunday, April 18, 2010

Letter: PNM lies, half truths and innuendoes

The population is being subjected to a flagrant campaign of deception by the PNM.

Having failed to complete its term in office, it is warning that the Opposition will fragment.

Having squandered the national patrimony, on exorbitant worthless projects, it is seeking fame for the few areas in which it provided social benefits in half measure and through corrupt patronage.

Having neglected areas of important development for decades, it is promising anew to fast track everything with no talk of ending the squander mania that has produced sky scrapers that remain empty and summits that have produced nothing.

It has done nothing to defend the charges of corruption that many perceive and the single most hated man in our history is allowed to escape the law as he pleases.

Corruption is the worst it has even been in T&T. Dr. Rowley has admitted this and despite Dr. Rowley having been discredited by his leader, he returns as a candidate for the PNM.

Both the PNM and Dr. Rowley have credibility issues to resolve.

Well before 2020, T&T shall have expended its gas and oil reserves at the present proposed rate of consumption. The PNM has been careering along a mad course.

The PNM is a failed government that was impelled by its own errors to abort its term of office and now shamelessly seeks a mandate to continue on its destructive path.

The people of the nation would be mad to pay heed to the PNM propaganda.

M.F. Rahman - via email.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai