Saturday, April 10, 2010

Letter: The Manning scourge

Manning’s dissolution of Parliament while welcomed by the majority as a God sent opportunity to reject him, must rank as one of his most brazenly irresponsible acts.

All of the evils and very little of the good accomplished by the government through the Ninth Parliament endures.

And in this act of major irresponsibility Manning seeks to ascribe his action to the most facile motives, insulting the population in the process.

His mental state of health may cause Manning to call a state of emergency and rule the country by Prime Ministerial Fiat without the restrictions of democracy.

Dissolving Parliament became his last resort in the face of accumulated fiascos which would have necessitated his removal by open defection.

The privileged revelations that were imminent in the now circumvented motion of no confidence would have scarred his international image and accelerated current police investigations into his many alleged malfeasances.

Manning’s troubles are of his own making. Whether he is corrupt remains to be proven in the course of time as mere perception cannot convict.

The list of Manning’s excesses is formidable. That his party has not taken any action whatsoever to trammel or remove him is an indication of its leaders’ endorsement of his utter mismanagement.

The sole voice in his party raised in the suspicious circumstance of self interest has been Rowley’s and this is a damning indictment of the entire PNM.

One can only hope that the membership of the PNM in general displays a greater ethical standard and that Manning and his cohorts are rejected at the polls convincingly despite the selfishness of many interest groups.

This is a time of great sadness for the nation. The Opposition parties must be supported by the population despite their fractiousness as they are our sole hope for ridding us of the Manning scourge

M.F. Rahman - via email

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Jai & Sero

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