Ramesh is undoubtedly a distinct asset to the Opposition forces. However, placing him in the lower house to serve under one for whom he has shown the greatest resistance spells danger in large letters.
Ramesh has never left any doubt that his ambition is to lead the UNC and his campaign for that office was unabashed. His refusal to support Kamla as Opposition leader, confirmed his distaste for her leadership.
It is a matter of history that Mr. Panday rued the day he brought Ramesh back into the fold. The strategic support of convenience which Ramesh gave to Panday as Opposition leader was designed only to keep Kamla from that position.
The painful days of Ramjack have not been forgotten and Ramesh’s demand to be in the lower house has clear implications.
Others have also expressed their leadership aspirations, Jack, Dookeran and perhaps others harbour such. But Jack and Dookeran are constrained by their self realization of Kamla’s supremacy and by circumstances they cannot breach.
Ramesh has wider appeal at the grassroots and has appealed to this openly. Jack knows his own limitations. Dookeran has had the ground eroded from under his feet by the swirling of public sentiment.
Ramesh’s appeal to grassroots sentiment will be again used to wrest plum roles and positions. Kamla will always be at bay.
It is my strong recommendation that Kamla stay firm and allow no strong contenders particularly one with a record as open as Ramesh for palace coups.
It is clear that others will face the axe so that Ramesh’ exclusion is not typified as vindictive. IMHO, it is Kamla’s duty to bite the bullet now and stand firm.
M.F. Rahman | via email
1 comment:
Basdeo Panday appeared on television and said he supported his party the UNC, the party which he formed and to which he gave 20 years of his blood sweat and tears. Throughout the entire interview he never endorsed Kamla Persad Bissessar's leadership and this could be disastrous for the coalition and to her politically. Ambition is made to counter ambition. In fact it is only ambition that can counter ambition nothing else.
One of the world's great historians Arthur Schlesinger taught a vital lesson to American presidents that even good leaders, democratic leaders must be regarded with mistrust. Leaders are not demigods. No leader is infallible. Every leader needs to be reminded of this at regular intervals. Unquestioning submission corrupts leaders and demeans followers and great men exist that there may be greater men.
The phenomenon of "Group Think" which caused the Cuban Missile crisis was due to sycophancy. Analysts of that period opined that sycophancy produces suave leadership, and this phenomenon has been widely taught in political and leadership schools. Machiavelli in the Prince asks: "whether it is better to be loved than feared, or the reverse. The answer is that one would like to be both the one and the other; but because it is difficult to combine them, it is far better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both". Machiavelli's - The Prince is the Bible that many politicians read. If Persad Bissessar has learnt from Mr Panday then she will see a long history of Mr Panday embracing everyone who has opposed him. One of the tactics in plotting to defeat rivals is to keep your friends close to you and your enemies even closer.
From Mr Panday's utterances we see that Persad Bissessar does not have the moral authority to lead the UNC far less into any coalition and even more so to offer seats. As of now she is uncontested as a leader of an individual party. Kelvin Ramnath who with Mr Panday formed the the ULF, CLUB 88 and the UNC have the moral authority that neither Persad Bissessar nor any of the coalition partner has. Because of the sacrificies they endured by suffering the indignity of Opposition they have been able to summon the masses at a moments notice. Ramesh Maharaj who was the principal architect of the UNC's constitution established the legal framework for the organization of the party.
Bussing people to meetings become necessary only when you are unsure of natural support.
The one thing Persad Bissessar must be fearful of is the sycophants who were supporting Mr Panday yesterday and have suddenly become a Kamla sycophant because they want a little appointment to the Senate. Sycophancy is not loyalty. It is not too late.The members of the UNC's screening committee do not have the legitimacy to screen the founders of the party. It is a mockery of democracy. This may well be the death knell of the coalition if Persad Bisssessar continues to ignore the Founding Fathers of the UNC.
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