Thursday, April 8, 2010

Letter: COP leader must work with UNC

The present leader of the COP emerged from the UNC in protest against Panday.

He has since tasted both ambition and defeat. He can again contribute to the nation from the corridors of power in co-operation with the purged UNC if he has no misogynist reservations.

He does not need to abandon his party Identity, only to ensure its co-operation with others.

Talk of winning with or without others as mouthed by Wendy Lee Yeung and Roy Augustus must be repudiated.

Alone, the UNC may well win against the odds, and at worst will return to opposition. Alone the COP will face certain oblivion and opprobrium.

Together, the UNC and COP as UNCOP and with the co-operation of TOP, can form a National Government that will restore this country to one of peace safety and prosperity.

This appeal is to Mr. Dookeran and his party members to assemble in the spirit of co-operation under the leadership of Kamla Persad Bissessar to vanquish the PNM evil for a long time.

M.F. Rahman - via email

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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