Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kamla says Manning shut down Parliament to avoid "palace coup"

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar said Saturday Prime Minister Patrick Manning’s explanation as to why he dissolved Parliament is an admission that he is a coward and that he is frightened to face the representatives of the people in the national Parliament.

Manning stated Friday that he asked the president to dissolve Parliament because he did not want the opposition "on the eve of an election" to use parliamentary privilege "to slander those of us in Government."

Read the story:
Manning says he dissolved Parliament to protect gov't from opposition slander

In a media release Persad-Bissessar dismissed the point stating that no election was due until 2012 so it was Manning who created the "eve" of an election by shutting down the Parliament.

She said there were other reasons, which Manning is not talking about. "If fact we know that Mr. Manning was facing a revolt within his own party and at least five PNM MPs were prepared to support the opposition motion of no confidence in their own leader," she stated.

"Mr. Manning was facing the risk of being dethroned in a palace coup and therefore he moved to silence the Parliament."

The UNC leader also took issue with Manning's statement that he would be prepared to take legal action against the opposition. Manning stated, "If they wish to make comess, they are now free to do it, but do so outside the Parliament. I have a battery of lawyers standing by.”

Persad-Bissessar made it clear that dealing with the people’s business is not comess. "The truth is not comess," she said. "We in the opposition will continue to speak out against Mr. Manning and his corrupt government even though he has shut down the Parliament and is refusing to call an election."

The UNC leader said Manning cannot escape the judgment of the people and noted that he has other motives for his action in not setting the date for an election.

"Mr Manning is withholding the election date because having silenced the legislature he now rules without any accountability to the people’s representatives and the people’s Parliament.

"We expect Mr Manning to misuse public funds to carry on a propaganda campaign and delay the election as long as he can. But he cannot delay it forever; he will have to face the people by July 8," Persad-Bissessar added.

She said the prime minister has shown contempt for the people and the democratic process by shutting down Parliament for the spurious reason he has advanced.

"His action demonstrates his dictatorial ambitions. The UNC warns citizens to be on guard against this oppressive regime and this budding dictator," she said.

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