Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hindu chief thinks political ground has shifted to UNC

The general secretary of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS) has endorsed resignation of Devant Maharaj from the Congress of the People (COP).

Satnarine Maharaj said the political ground has shifted to the United National Congress (UNC), adding that COP doesn’t have much to offer.

Devant Maharaj wrote to COP leader Winston Dookeran on Friday telling him that he was duisturbed by developments within the party, particulary statements made by deputy leader Wendy Lee Yuen.

Read the story:
Devant quits COP over Wendy's unity tirade

Maharaj told the Express newspaper he spoke with Devant Maharaj about the political situation and advised him that staying with COP would be a "a wasted exercise".

He said the people have already decieded to unite even if the politicains are yet to work out the details. "The people have decided to vote for one party," Maharaj told the paper.

The Hindu leader suggested the COP and the UNC are no longer equals. "There are definitely good people in the COP who should be given safe seats but not everyone in that party has what it takes to compete as a candidate," Maharaj said.

He added that he believes that Kamla Persad-Bissessar has the ability to bring positive changes to local politics.

In the 2007 general election Devant Maharaj ran unsuccessfully as a COP candidate in Couva South. COP had the full support of the Maha Sabha and its raido station, Radio Jagriti.

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