Thursday, March 18, 2010

Report: Police question Manning, Imbert

A report in the Newsday newspaper Thursday quotes sources as saying that police have interviewed Prime Minister Patrick Manning and Works and Transport Minister Colm Imbert about former UDeCOTT executive chairman Calder Hart.

The report states that the Anti-Corruption Investigations Bureau (ACIB) as also questioned Manning about a 2006 affidavit sworn by Jamaat leader Yasin Abu Bakr.

The paper stated that officers met with Manning at the Office of the Prime Minister following their meeting with Imbert. Newsday said police expect to talk with other members of the Manning Cabinet.

Newsday says Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Roger Gaspard met with Acting Commissioner of Police James Philbert and discussed the investigation into Hart.

The DPP's office had advised police to investigate Hart since last November and repeated the advice when documents showing an alleged link between Hart and directors of a construction company surfaced, the paper says.

The company won lucrative government contracts while Hart was head of UDeCOTT.
The Office of the DPP had asked Philbert to investigate a controversial affidavit sworn by Bakr on June 8, 2006, in which he alleged a corrupt agreement with Manning in relation to the PNM’s campaign for the 2002 general election.

Read the newsday story: COPS QUIZ PM, IMBERT


Ronald Bhola said...

Proving corruption is as difficult as determinnig how much water a swimming fish is drinking- Kautiliya in Arthashastra.

Bahtman said...

Unrelated to the story - Great Kautiliya reference Ronald!

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai