I think Raffique Shah and I are the only two people honest enough to state that Basdeo Panday has no redeeming political characteristics. I will not summarize here, but if his dwindling adoring sycophants insist—I will.
He will get no eulogy from me.But hearken!
Was his betrayal of Kamla an act of bitterness or an act of prudence?
Panday has serious legal problems, and is in need of having charges reduced or dropped.
It is no co-incidence, Ladies and Gentlemen (to use the style of our Leader and Father of the nation), that “the government of T&T and the government of the USA” had negotiated an arrangement for Mr. Birk (convicted for fraud against the people of T&T in the USA—our courts cannot get there yet!) of Birk Hillman to arrive in Trinidad at this time to plead guilty, get no punishment, but give evidence against the local accused.
No one should be surprised that Ramesh Maharaj slinked in to the house shortly after the torpedoing of Kamla’s Motion.
He , indeed even he - could not go in and sabotage the issue which he had fathered—it was Ramesh who bus’ the Hart’s Wife’s Brother’s Directorship of CH Whatever, who Calder awarded the – eventually $800+ Million legal Affairs Tower.
But he would not support it either. What do you think of that?
In terms of "Integrity", "I Love the UNC", "I would die for my country"… etc.???
Mikela, I understand your absence from the House.
I have children your age. Cynicism has not yet destroyed your idealism, and you could not support the former Leader of the UNC in what he intended to do, in terms of Party, Country and basic necessity to have the issue debated.
Nor could you go against him—so you stayed away. Understood!
It is not relevant in any way that Hart has gone anyway. That was the result of Justice Amorer, not of parliamentary or media pressure, although we would have appreciated the Debate, where MP’s can speak a bit more freely than I can here!
But this is not just about the evil in the Opposition—much worse is to come, in the form or Manning, Imbert, andSilly Karen.
Patrick Manning, in spite of the fact that he is probably legally mad (I asked this as a question in a column “Is Manning Mad?” in Newsday about a year ago), has sunk to new lows on his Church issue.
He KNOWS that we know what went down, and the stories of how the building is being financed will soon be confirmed. That might explain the cost overruns on NAPA and the Palace.
He will “brave out” the Calder Hart resignation for a few more rounds, staggering under the blows of Calder, the Prophetess and the impending news of the extent of the disaster called CLICO.
He will say that poor, loyal, Calder was hounded out of office by vicious people, poor Calder. But the time is coming, ladies and gentlemen, that poor Manning is going to discover that he is not God, nor even blessed by God.
Little Imbert must be pressed to explain his failure to have an appearance put in on the CR Highway lawsuit by Universal Projects. He is responsible, as he is for the collapse of the bridge over the Macoya River, and the collapse of the old bridge over the Caroni river.
Can’t you just imagine him “tossing away” the legal documents from Universal, like he does when he addresses us, or Parliament?
You know, like when he is trying to play “big man”.
Well those documents were boomerangs, and he must, in the way he insists others must, pay for his slackness.
What can we say about Silly Karen. She must thank God or Patrick that this is no where near a first world country—if it was she would be in jail.
And finally, in this Multi God Fearing Country, the woman with the Big C. When asked about the COP calling upon the DPP to bring charges against Hart, she said that is a job for the “C small o P” (the Commissioner of Police).
Like she knows something we all suspect! And we all move on, to the next episodes...
This column has been published with the permission of the author, Peter O'Connor.
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