Persad-Bissessar added, "The shocking, bizarre and sudden announcement by Attorney General John Jeremie, that a criminal probe was launched into Calder Hart, former Executive Chairman of UDeCOTT since last September has raised even more questions about the Prime Minister's knowledge of and compliance with the whole sordid matter.
“If indeed Mr. Jeremie had advised Prime Minister Patrick Manning about the criminal investigation, wouldn't/shouldn’t the Honourable Prime Minister be more prudent and guarded about public pronouncements on Mr. Hart, regarding the propriety and integrity of his (Hart’s) stewardship of UDeCOTT?" she asked.
“Why would the Prime Minister repeatedly continue to stoutly defend and praise Calder Hart if knowing a criminal probe was secretly in place?
"Is it that he hoped to influence the outcome of the probe somehow or that he simply did not care who said or proved what, his support for Calder Hart would remain unconditional?
“Some have even ventured to speculate whether Mr. Hart has something on Mr. Manning since none of this otherwise makes any sense especially in light of the fact that former Minister of Housing, Keith Rowley, the early whistleblower on corruption within his government, was dismissed from the Cabinet and in turn became the subject of an unsuccessful witch hunt from his own colleagues as instructed by Mr. Manning.
“The statement, therefore, by the Attorney General on his Political Leader and Prime Minister is made without any regard to the fact that the public will be outraged to learn that despite Mr. Manning being privy to information about a criminal probe on Mr. Hart since September of last year, he still stood in support and praise of him.
“And instead of Mr. Manning and his Ministers being on the side of the people in support of truth and justice, we have to be subjected to their cult like following of their leader's righteous indignation that he could seemingly do no wrong and is apparently above the law.
“Moreover, we have the deplorable spectacle of the line Minister for UDeCOTT, Ms. Emily Dick-Forde condemning any and everyone who dared to call for an investigation into Mr. Hart and preaching that our nation has lost its soul for so doing and should be ashamed for what she describes as hounding Calder Hart!
“What planet is this Minister from?
“The shame is on you Ms. Minister. You have conducted yourself in the most high handed and irresponsible manner that sadly now typifies the style of the Manning administration.
“The saga continues as well with the insistence of the UDeCOTT Board to remain in place even as the organization they lead and its former Chairman, Calder Hart remains embroiled in criminal probes and charges of flagrant violations of ethics and the law.
“Even if one were to somehow presume their innocence their very credibility and competence have been called into question and it is incumbent upon them to resign, clearing the way for the appointment of a new Board, untainted by the charges.
“There is a collective responsibility of the entire Board for all that has occurred at UDeCOTT. In the absence of a single board member having the decency to do what is only honourable and resign, we call upon the government to immediately remove the Board to be replaced by a group in whom the population can repose some confidence.
“I wish to assure the law abiding and honourable citizens of Trinidad and Tobago that on your behalf we will not allow this matter to disappear. Those responsible from the Prime Minister right down the ladder will be held accountable. The people’s interests will be protected and served.”
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