Thursday, March 4, 2010

Now Ramnath joins Panday in opposition back bench

Kelvin Ramnath is following the lead set by his former leader, Basdeo Panday, and moving to the opposition back bench in the House of Representatives.

The Couva South MP has asked the Speaker to remove him from the authority of Chief Whip Jack Warner. He did not personally advise Warner of his decision. Panday did the same thing last week.

Warner has confirmed that Ramnath has asked to be moved, which means that, like Panday, he is no longer obliged to attend meetings of the UNC parliamentary caucus and will not take instructions from Warner on the speaking order in Parliament.

It also means that they will not automatically toe the party line in voting.

Warner told the Trinidad Express, "It is a democratic country. Mr Ramnath is free to do what he wishes. And the party and I would respect his wishes."

Warner said he will alter the seating arrangements to accommodate the change.

Ramnath's move leaves the other UNC MPs under the Whip, including Panday's brother, Subhas, and his daughter, Mickela.


Ronald Bhola said...

The better and more experienced debaters are on the Back bench

daniel john said...

It’s great to see good information being shared. it's great to see fresh, creative ideas that have never been done before.

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