But Finance Minister Karen Nunez-Tesheira minister disputes that.
“I want to state categorically and unequivocally that the Revenue authority will not be outsourcing workers,” Nunez-Tesheira told the Newsday paper.
She said the majority of the jobs at the Authority would be permanent and stressed that the function of Customs and Inland Revenue would continue within the TTRA because the laws governing them have not been abolished.
Nunez-Tesheira said Government remains willing to hold discussion with the Publis services Association (PSA) about the TTRA.
But she said she considers it irresponsible for the PSA and the Opposition to "continue to pursue a line of argument that has been clearly stated by the Government not to be correct."
Nunez-Tesheira also disputes the views of Canadian trade unionist Betty Bannon who told PSA members Tuesday there are “vast differences” between the TTRA and what exists in Canada.
Bannon said it is not true that the T&T agency is modelled after Canada's taxation agency.
Read the story: Canada Taxation union joins PSA in fight over TTRA
Nunez-Tesheira was reponding to protests by the Public Services Association (PSA) to raise concerns about the proposed Trinidad and Tobago revenue Authority (TTRA).
She said she is confident that workers at the Inland Revenue Division and Customs and Excise Division will welcome the establishment of the TTRA.
The minister told Newsday, "There are 50 revenue authorities around the world and every authority that was formed, had different transition models. The approach we are taking, some revenue authorities have used that approach."
She admitted that she does not know the Canadian laws and therefore "I do not know the effect of their transition model in so far as it impacts on their laws."
She added, "I can speak of our laws and the impact of the transition model that was advocated initially."
Nunez-Tesheira said Government wants to establish the TTRA which would help deal with certain “critical matters” in both Inland Revenue and Customs which cannot be addressed under the existing system.
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