Speaking at a special convention in Chaguaramas, the PNM political leader instructed each of the party's constituencies to immediately commence the screening of its candidate for an election.
Manning told delegates at the convention to start the screening in his own San Fernando East constituency. And he said since the opposition has been calling for an election he might just give them their wish.
"Since they feel that the time has come for a general election, then I will agree with them. As a consequence of which I now direct the party to commence the nomination-of-candidates exercise for the general election immediately. Screening begins on Wednesday, April 7, in the constituency of San Fernando East," Manning declared.
The screening coincides with an opposition no confidence vote in Manning, which opposition leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar will pilot in the House of Representattives.
Manning told the convention the party would apply to the Commissioner of Police for a permit to hold a public gathering on April 9, in Woodford Square, Port of Spain on the the day of the debate.
The parliamentary convention is that if a prime minister loses such a vote the government falls and fresh elections are held. But the president also has the discretion to appoint another member from the House who in his opinion is best able to command the loyalty of the majority of MPs.
The PNM has a strong majority and it is unlikely that the opposition vote will get anywhere close to passing, so Manning's position is not under threat. Last week all 41 constituencies passed a resolution supporting Manning's leadership.
What the opposition hopes to do with the motion is to place on official records what it considers are the misdeeds and shortcomings of Manning. The debate itself could be very embarrassing for Manning.
What will also compound Manning's problems is the negative fallout over the resignation of UDeCOTT boss Calder Hart, who is under criminal investigation. Hart was under scrutiny at the Uff commission of inquiry into UDeCOTT and the construction sector.
Commission chairman Professor John Uff is expected to hand over his final report Monday to President Max Richards. Persad-Bissessar is already demanding that Manning lay the report in Parliament.
In a media release Friday she stated that all the evidence presented during the inquiry is already in the public domain. She said Manning should follow the protocol and make the report public.
Manning told delegates he is fully aware of what is going on in the country and better informed than the media about what people are saying. And he said he is never going to make the mistake of not sufficiently taking into account the views of the people.
He spoke of his administration's successes. And he suggested that by putting the opposition UNC in office the country would be taking God out of government.
When President Robinson appointed Manning as Prime Minister on Dec. 24, 2001 following the 18-18 tie, he justified his action by saying the country needed a government of "spirituality and morality".
Manning said, "Don’t put God out of your thoughts by putting them back into office."
Speaking at a Voice of the People rally as Manning made his election announcement, the leader of the UNC responded to Manning.
"Let me answer you, Mr Manning, don’t back back on that promise, you know, Mr Manning. Don’t back back at all because Mr Manning knows he cannot stop the wave." She called on the thousands gathered for the rally to say whether they had confidence in Manning and got a thunderous, "NO!" in reply
This will prove disastrous for the Opposition as they are now out of a historic party election, and are still confused about the longevity of the new leadership. The PNM could end up with a clean sweep especially as COP/UNC Unity has not yielded anything as yet..
Mr Bhola,
You wish...!
There is no confusion about the longevity of the UNC leadership.
The UNC is stronger today than it was post 2002.
The Opposition forces ARE coming together, and the new leadership of Kamla Persad-Bissessar is attracting the support of the Trade Unions who for the first time in 10 years shared a platform today and will share the Labour Day platform in Fyzabad.
Yup, sorry Bhola. I don't see the situation as you describe, there doesn't seem to be any ambiguity about the leadership of the UNC, and the COP seems quite intent to work with them against the PNM. At the same time, the PNM is unravelling, with the Prime Minister being chased around his own constituency by outraged citizens. That he is calling for elections will probably anger those within his own ranks that wish to see a leadership convention before facing the polls. The time hasn't been better for an election.
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