Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Letter: No surrender, no retreat

The TTRA is on hold. Hospitals are re-promised. Lavanty getting fixed up.

Local contractors will be getting projects. Will the balloon of protest lose air and contract? How easily is public anger assuaged?

Will Manning again “promise” to put the rapid rail on hold while he continues to progress the negotiations privately?

What about Air Jamaica takeover stoutly euphemised as exclusively “profitable routes”?

Annual budgets have always repeated deferred promises and the indulgent business community has always been satiated with the anticipated fragrance.

If the PSA is satisfied with current “negotiations” and the heat is lowered, the promise of elections may prove ephemeral. The effectiveness of public protest has been established. The calcified smugness of officialdom has been wrinkled.

Manning’s strategy will change if the protestors are satisfied and withdraw with anticipated gains.

The PSA must demand elections as a preliminary to any accord.
The many transgressions against the people must be halted. Not only must be the smelters and complementary port be halted, environment violations must be corrected.

Every profligate project must be halted and foreign labour reduced until non-existent.
The well rehearsed litany of excesses of this government must be addressed and treated.

“What is wrong must be put right.”
These measures must be taken by the new government after decisive elections. There must be no negotiations on elections. And no “business as usual” before.

No matter of corruption must be swept aside. The CoP and the DPP must do their jobs. These demands must be clear from the throat of every disgusted citizen. The power of justified civil protest must not be dissipated.

Manning must know that only new elections will satisfy the electorate.

And heaven help us if the people return the PNM to power because of a fragmented opposition.
M.F. Rahman - via email.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai