Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Kamla cleans house as she takes charge as opposition leader

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar has fired 10 members of the staff who worked for her predecessor, Basdeo Panday, including long-time Panday loyalist Beverly Drayton.

Drayton had worked in the opposition leader's office since Panday first took up that post in 1976 and remained at Panday's side all along.

Commenting on the move, Persad-Bissessar said she was following precedent.

She told the Trinidad Express: "I was advised that the precedence is that when a new substantive Opposition Leader takes up the post, that all the staff are terminated with one month’s pay in leave of notice."

She added, "If that is the practice and the procedure then I would have to follow it".

The positions include Counsel to the Opposition Leader, chief economist, executive assistant, office aide, communications officer, media relations officer, information specialist, research specialist, driver and maid, the Express reported.

Persad-Bissessar is expected to reinstate some of the staff including UNC executive member, Colin Partap, who was the Chief Counsel.

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