Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jack stands by Kamla, urges citizens to reject Manning's false "love"

Jack Warner urged supporters of the United National Congress (UNC) Tuesday night to shake off their complacency and "celebratory mood" and get ready for the task ahead, which is to remove the Manning regime from office.

The UNC chairman was speaking at a meeting in Cumoto where he stated with the change in the the UNC
, the party now has an opportunity to enter the corridors of power.

"We as a people can therefore restore peace and safety to a country that has been brutalized and disrespected by a failed PNM Government...The country has reached that point where it recognizes that these vain and ambitious men in the seat of power are not mindful of the needs of the national community," Warner said.

"Are you ready to fire these career politicians starting with Patrick Manning?" He asked as he challenged the party to begin mobilizing "our communities to ensure that the gains we have accomplished and the strides we have made are not lost in this moment of happiness."

He said "when the people decide to work together to bring an end to the injustice that we daily face, we will always win."

Warner praised the new UNC leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar as the "brightest and the best", whose election to the post on January 24 has
left the national community "celebrating freedom day, because her victory symbolized an end and a beginning, a renewal, as well as a change."

pledged to "remain unswerving in my dedication and commitment" to the UNC leader.

"Avoid the arguments and personal attacks as I do daily. It is the issues with which we must deal and, especially now, do not veer from that path. It is one UNC! We are not divided and you must let no one attempt to divide us!" he said

"No one can come to me to badmouth my Political Leader, or any honourable member of Natex...Let us all stand and be counted behind our distinguished Political Leader because we all elected her from the broad mass of our membership! We therefore have a sacred duty to honour and respect her leadership," he said.

He added, "The leaders of this Party must always stand together! They are not my enemies! The PNM are the ones we seek to remove because they have demonstrated in clear, unequivocal behaviour that when it comes to country they will always put self first."

Warner denounced the PNM and Manning for walking through communities with a message of love and caring after they have "plundered and pillaged our treasury".

He warned that the party to be vigilant and mobilize its resources to make sure that the party is prepared to be the watchdogs "to identify the implants being made by this PNM Government who would do anything to steal this election."

He declared, "Having the best intentions will serve no purpose if when the time comes we are not ready."

He saved some time for a frontal attack on the Manning regime, outlining the government's failure.

"This is a government which has reviled you; which has destroyed the sacred trust between it and its people; which has squandered your money in a way that made foreigners rich but left us in a state of poverty and shame!" he said.

And he said there should be more men like Percy Villafana, the 81-year-old San Juan man who blocked Manning from entering his property.

"We need more Villafanas in every community when the Prime Minister and his band of Ministers come walking by with their imported entourage to tell them that love for them doesn’t live here anymore," he said.

"Crime continues unabated; our streets flow red with blood from over 100 murders in less than 90 days. There is no health care in the hospitals; our recreational facilities are in a total state of disrepair.

"Water is an extremely precious commodity in a country where some $320 billion have been spent in some seven years and then you have the guts to walk in communities shaking hands and kissing babies? Love cannot live here anymore Mr. Prime Minister," Warner said.

"He who walks the street is no knight in shining armour. He and his government have refused to provide our children with funding in extreme health-care situations. Our school system he has ignored.

"The roads in our communities are dilapidated while properly paved roads, state lands and state labour are being given to the building of his prophetess’ Church.

"Love cannot live for this government anymore. Not in Cumuto/Manzanilla; not anywhere in T&T, and you must tell them so...when the people join together and sound their voices in one accord, the PNM can be defeated."

The Chagunas West MP had one question for his audience: "Are you ready to carry this tsunami of change that is sweeping this country to its full conclusion?"

And he warned that it "will be a travesty, a violation of truth, an insult to all our intelligence to stand here and say you are not moving in that direction!"

1 comment:

Ronald Bhola said...

Kamla must meet Dookeran NOW !!‏‏

Former First lady Nancy Reagan told a Time Magazine correspondent many years ago,that apart from Foreign Secretaries James Baker and Eduard Schervadnazde meeting together, the two leaders Gorbachev and Reagan needed to meet to show their stamp of authority to achieving a common goal. At that time, the Americans had deep suspicions about the Soviet Union and the leaders of its politburo; in particular Mikhail Gorbachev. This was particularly so, because President Nixon wrote an article in Time in which he cautioned that Gorbachev may be a Soviet nationalist and he should be watched closely.

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who met Gorbachev, subsequently told the BBC that Gorbachev could be trusted, and both Gorbachev and Reagan eventually met in Reykjavik, Iceland. Events unfolded rapidly thereafter and we saw the fall of the Berlin Wall and the rise of "Windows".

Persad Bissessar needs to bite the bullet; take the initiative to Dookeran and meet with him at a neutral venue without further delay. If she is bold enough; if she has the 'oomph' she may well discover that it will be easier to have unity in the parliament,since she would have 'broken new ground'; and her confidence would have increased. Dr Moonilal's team should lay the preparatory work for this Summit. Should she embark on this initiative she may also realize that she will not be torn between Rambachan and Warner and the path ahead though always unpredictable will be smoother. Persad Bissessar is going out of her way to promote Warner especially against his incompetence as Chief Whip. She has to be careful as she could be ruining her hold on Office. Speed, Focus and Damage control in that order are the most potent tactics in fixing the political agenda.

P.S. When Lucifer was cast out of the Garden of Eden, garlic [Lucifer's tulip] grew from where he planted his left foot and onion grew from where he planted his right foot.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai