Thursday, March 4, 2010

COP wants police to probe Calder Hart, CH Development

The Congress of the People (COP) wants a criminal probe into UDeCOTT executive director Calder Hart and the construction firm, CH Development.

COP Deputy leader Prakash Ramadhar has written to the Acting Commissioner of Police, Acting DPP and the Integrity Commission, saking for an immediate investigation.

There is unlikely to be any immediate action by the Integrity commission since the commission is dormant because President Richards has so far failed to appoint new commissioners to replace the five who resigned last year within a week of their appointment.

COP leader Winston Dookeran has written the president urging him to appoint an Integrity Commission as soon as possible.

Commenting on new disclosures about UDeCOTT boss Calder Hart, Dookeran told the Trinidad Express, "Given his public utterances on this matter, we have a situation where the Prime Minister appears to be protecting Mr Hart by his public utterances which are not in keeping with truly dealing with allegations of wrong doing, financial or other nature."

Patrick Manning dismissed allegations against Hart in a statement in Parliament on October 21, 2009. He spoke of eveidence presented to the Uff Commission by Carl Khan, who was once married to Hart's wife, Sherrine.

Khan's affidavit showed a ddirect link between Hart and directors of CH Development. But Manning dismissed the evidence presented, saying Khan's claims were from "a jilted lover".

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai