Monday, February 1, 2010

Letter: Dump MPs who refuse to support UNC leader

Congratulations to Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

It’s a pity last week’s events in the UNC didn’t occur in 2007 - before the general elections - we may have had a very different result.

Why the fuss about Panday giving up the Opposition Leader’s post?

Let the MPs who support him, keep on supporting him. Part of the job of the leader of the UNC is to appoint whom she sees fit to represent the party in the relevant constituencies whenever an election is called.

So if those characters still hold allegiance to Panday, when election time comes around, just leave them out, because if the UNC forms the government next time around, they may very well elect Panday as leader hence making him PM through the back door.

So very simply, choose candidates that will support you, Miss Kamla. I would not be surprised if all of the Pandays, Hamza Rafeeq and Roodal Moonilal are not chosen to contest any election again.

It would be a hard way to go, but the leader of any party must have the support of its elected members.

So to Miss Kamla, have patience. And deal with those folks in time. You have already started by the drive to lure back disenchanted members.

Elaine Peters | Marabella

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