Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fire Hunt now: Jack Warner

The Chairman of the United National Congress, Jack Warner, called on Prime Minister Patrick Manning Monday to move swiftly to remove Gary Hunt from the Ministry of Sport.

In a media statement, Warner said, "In the last three years Hunt has proven to be a dismal and miserable failure.

"Under his leadership the nation has witnessed a falling and failing Sports Ministry and a rapid decline in almost every sporting discipline in the land."

Warner was responding to Hunt's television address on Sunday night in which he admitted that the $2 million national flag at the Hasely Crawford stadium was a mistake and promised that it won't be repeated.

Warner challenged Hunt's assertion that his ministry has been at the forefront of sports development in the country. "Hunt has failed to deliver a single motivating sports programme or policy," he said.

Warner added, "Three years after assuming office he has failed to detail a national sports policy that would take us forward. His leadership has been regressive and reactive rather than progressive and proactive."

He said, "His confession that the flag fiasco was a mistake is an indictment on his leadership and an admission that the country was put through a financial burden for a wrong cause.

"His public apology, however, is a bit too late and is incapable of replacing millions of taxpayer's dollars which could have been put to better use in fixing crime and a deteriorating health system."

Warner said the fact that Hunt admitted to the grave error is enough for him to do the honourable thing and tender his resignation as a Government Minister.

"Shall he fail to so do, the Prime Minister must show mettle and remove him forthwith from the Sports Ministry. The nation must not be forced to bear the burden of future mishaps and calamities," he said.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai