Monday, January 18, 2010

Warner says Panday, Ramesh in plot to steal UNC election

Jack Warner alleged in Cedros on Sunday that there is a plot between Basdeo Panday and Ramesh L. Maharaj for Panday to win the January 24 internal election of the United National Congress (UNC).

He said that is why the Tabaquite MP's campaign so far is directed only at Kamla Persad-Bissessar and not Panday.

"I want you to also observe the similarity of the attacks on Kamla by Bas and Ramesh, the two inseparable twins, Bas and I. Kamla has never been the Political Leader of the UNC. Bas has been these past 20 years and still is. Why then is Ramesh not attacking Bas, the incumbent Political Leader?" he asked.

He said there is a sinister reason that explains why they are together attacking Kamla and using "even the same language and the same tactic".

"It is because it is another "Done Deal"," he said.

"There is talk on the ground that (Kelvin) Ramnath will cook the membership list...Ramesh will stay in the campaign to try and draw away as many votes from Kamla as he can, and based on that, Bas will win."

He said the deal is that within a year "Bas will hand over the leadership to Ramesh and Ramesh will once again assist Bas in the several corrupt cases he has before the courts.

"That is the deal my friends, that is the deal! Remember you in Cedros heard it first! We should all keep a close eye on these developments, but for the time being I say no more," he said.

He also alleged that Ramnath and Wade Mark are planning to steal the elections by padding the voters list. He noted that in Pointe-a-Pierre alone there have been 955 new members.

"Would you believe that they have added 955 new voters to the constituency of Pointe a Pierre? The constituency of Wade Mark? Now do tell me who in their right senses would have joined the party between 2007 and 2009? And moreso in a constituency where Wade Mark had fought as a candidate and failed?" he asked.

He said Ramnath has prepared a secret list in which there have been significant changes to the voters list in the various constituencies.

The Chaguanas West MP called on UNC members to be vigilant and to prevent fraud. He also gave out his personal telephone numbers and asked for volunteers to become involved in the monitoring process.

Warner said the UNC membership is complaining about the lack of leadership in the party because they are feeling "betrayed by a leadership that falsely declare themselves as friends".

He said the current leadership of the UNC has done nothing to earn your vote based on their stewardship. "Even up to today, this embattled leadership has been and still is before the courts on allegations of corruption which continue up to today," he said.

"When will this leadership abandon their egotism and pride and put party and nation before self and let those who are willing and able to lead the party lead the UNC into government?" he asked.

He said he has a great track record of service and performance and urged UNC members to vote for him based on that. he said he has "political currency to grow this party."

He also responded to a comment by Maharaj in a newspaper interview in which he claimed that he saw a file that Warner had with incriminating data about Persad-Bissessar. He called the statement a "blatant lie". He asked, "How then could I have ever shown Ramesh what I never had?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh gorrrrd, when would this madness end, lets hear more about how this party can get into govn't. First we heard of a deal between Manning and Panday, now it's a deal between Ramesh and Panday. Let us hear about how this party can get it's act together and formulate a plan to stop the squandering of our resources. I am really fed up of what passes as politics in this country.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai