Monday, January 11, 2010

Warner bats for Kamla, calls on UNC to reject Panday and his team

Jack Warner criss-crossed Barrackpore and surrounding neighbourhoods Sunday seeking support from members of the United National Congress (UNC) for his campaign for the chairmanship of the party in the internal election on January 24.

He ended the day with a public meeting at which he made an impassioned plea to the party's members to change their leader and to elect him as chairman.

The Chaguanas West MP launched a scathing attack on his leader, telling his audience had it been left to Basdeo Panday and the MPs who blindly support him there would have been no election.

"When this Party was in disarray I mounted a Platform for Change, with my other colleagues, to put it back on the right track...My people, when Basdeo Panday comes into Barrackpore, if he ever does, ask him what did he do?

He said Panday usurped their right and betrayed members of the party by refusing to hold elections. He said that is why he and his colleagues campaigned for months for democracy within the party.

"They have tried to demoralize me calling me dissident, estranged and embattled, labeling me as Neemarkharam and worse but in spite of all of this I held my ground against this dysfunctional Panday leadership and today we have prevailed," he said.

He added, "On this alone you need to vote Jack Warner for Chairman of the UNC."

Warner also reiterated his support for Kamla Persad-Bissessar as leader and slammed Panday for attacking the Siparia MP last Friday when Panday launched his campaign for reelection in Penal.

"Kamla was very good, bright and dependable for the past 18 years but the minute she decides to exercise her democratic right, she is everything that's bad," Warner said.

He declared shame on Panday and the MPs who support him for ganging up to attack a woman.

He said Panday's tirade is evidence of a man who has nothing to contribute, adding that Panday's declaration of war on his own party members "is a clear indication of his senility; not being able to distinguish between his members and the failed PNM government."

In endorsing Persad-Bissessar he said he chose the best of the three, even rejecting his former Ramjack colleague, Ramesh Maharaj.

He said Maharaj has been saying that only he and Panday can save the UNC but wondered from what they are saving the party.

"The only thing that they can save the UNC from is victory at the national polls. The only thing that they can save this Party from is becoming stronger. The only thing that they can save the UNC from is becoming more united at the base," he said.

"After listening to the nonsense spoken about Kamla especially at Penal Friday last, however, I have concluded that my heart knew something that my mind was not aware of when I endorsed Kamla; and that I did the right thing, in the national interest.

Warner urged UNC members to consider the importance of the election, especially in the wider national context.

And he urged UNC members to elect him as chairman.

"At a time when the moral fabric of the nation is compromised and institutions set up to ensure that we remain a democracy are challenged, we need leaders with the international experience at the helm of our Party to put things right.

He said the highlight of Panday's leadership has been his failure to keep the systems in place that are necessary to build a strong Party.

In making his pitch for votes, he said, "I come to you tonight because I have made a difference. Without the intervention of Jack Warner and his colleagues there would have been no UNC internal elections."

He said, "This is evidence that when we fight for that which is good we shall prevail. Jack Warner will always fight for you, the people. That is why I implore you to vote for me for Chairman on January 24."

He promised to immediately begin the task of correcting what is wrong, noting that unity will be "the basis for my existence and respect for different opinions will be my guide."

He promised to restore a strong party shall be restored with a strong Women’s Arm, a strong Youth Arm, a vibrant and informative education plan based on sound research from our education department.

"We will begin the delivery of proper audited statements and a strategic plan to expand and to attract the best minds into leadership positions as we start our run to hold the reins of power when the national elections are called," he said.

He said there will be no "monopoly of one mind and a slate" under his stewardship "but rather the collective contributions and wisdom of the membership."

He declared, "Make this your mantra. Make this your cry. Prepare your party for governance. Make that first step. Vote for Jack Warner as Chairman of the UNC."

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