Sunday, January 24, 2010

Voting irregularties reported as polling starts in UNC election

Voting began Sunday in the internal election of the United National Congress (UNC) with reports of irregularities in at least two constituencies.

The election is a crucial test for incumbent leader Basdeo Panday who is facing a strong challenge from Siparia MP Kamla Persad-Bissessar and to a lesser extent, Tabaquite MP Ramesh L. Maharaj.

Throughout the three-week campaign Maharaj and Panday both focussed their political guns on the Siparia MP but steered clear of attacking each other.

Voting began at 8 a.m. Sunday and reports from one polling station catering for UNC members in the Chaguanas West constituency say one Panday loyalist is openly canvassing for Panday and his team, telling voters they must mark their ballots for Panday.

The constituency is critical for the vote. It is held by Jack Warner, who is running against Vasant Bharath for the post of chairman.

A JYOTI source at the polling station reported that the issue is causing a major uproar and people are demanding that the official leave.

At another critical station in Caroni East, our roving source reported that a top official from the Panday team is standing by with a supplemental list and canvassing voters.

And similar problems are reported in the polling station for the Couva North constituency held by Panday.

Warner has hired videographers to document discrepancies at the various polling station.

In an interview with JYOTI Warner said despite all the problems he is still confident of victory, noting that these "acts of sabotage" show great desperation on the Panday side. He said the issue is whether UNc members want change that could take them out of opposition.

A spokeswoman for the Persad-Bissessar told JYOTI "We will win because Kamla is the only one who is offering hope to our members."

Panday's people are equally confident. They say they are the only ones who can beat Manning. It's the same message from the Maharaj camp. But Maharaj is leaning toward Panday and reports say he has told his supporters that they should vote for Panday instead of splitting the vote.

On Friday Panday appealed to all UNC members not to split the vote, warning that if they do that "the enemy" could win.

In the Persad-Bissessar camp, officials are closely monitoring polling stations especially in the Mayaro and Cumoto/Manzanilla constituencies where Persad-Bissessar has strong support. She also has endorsements from the majority of people in her own siparia constituency and the neighbouring Fyzabad constituency held by paqnday loyalist Chandresh Sharma.

(more on the UNC election later, including results when they become available)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The election has not even completed half its journey, already claims of irregularities are being made. I have said before that Monday would be the beginning of the UNC's self destruction. And whilst these power hungry goons fight over what is left of the "UNC base", I dont give a damn about any UNC base, I want a party that cares for the well being of every citizen of this country, rather than an elite few. Manday is the beginning of the UNC, I baccanal, they have two years before the next general election to further devide this party in effect ensuring the PNM remain in power by default rather than any majority support. I pray that those in the UNC could get it through their thick skulls that they are failing many with their dotish tribal politics.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai