Friday, January 22, 2010

UNC shuts out Tobago members; no polling station on island

The United National Congress is not putting up a polling station for its members in Tobago to vote in Sunday's internal election.

That means UNC members in the island who want to vote either have to travel to Trinidad Sunday or be disenfranchised.

The Tobago representative on the Kamla Persad-Bissessar slate made the disclosure at a meeting this week.

Barrington "Skippy" Thomas said there are about 1,500 UNC members in Tobago and none of them will get an opportunity to vote unless they get to Trinidad.

He said that is pure discrimination and called it one of many atrocities that the current UNC leadership has committed against the people of Tobago.

Thomas said one Tobago representative has contacted the party's Elections Committee chairman telling Khemchan Ramdath that Tobago has a membership of 1,500 people and they would like to vote in the election.

Thomas told supporters when he spoke to Ramdath on Tuesday Ramdath told him to come to Trinidad and vote in Arouca.

“I don’t live in Arouca. I live in Tobago. He went further to say I must buy a plane ticket and bring the receipt, pay a car and bring the receipt and if I have to eat any meal bring the receipt,"Thomas said.

He added, “My favourite meal is doubles so you could imagine me telling a doubles man I want a receipt.”

Thomas didn't say if the arrangement applied to other UNC members from Tobago. However, one source close to the Persad-Bissessar campaign said it makes no sense to have people come over to Trinidad, even if the party is reimbursing them for their expenses.

"In terms of cost, it would have been much more cost effective to have a polling station there," the source said.

About 34,500 UNC members are eligible to vote in the hotly contested election and there are some close races that could be decided by just a few votes. That means in some cases Tobago could make a difference in deciding who wins.

In a related development, the UNC has advised Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner that it will not provide him with a sample ballot paper as requested.

Warner wrote Ramdath Thursday requesting a copy of the ballot. But in internal correspondence, the party said it is not giving anyone a copy of the document and offered to let Warner see one if he calls and makes the necessary arrangements.

Warner, who is running for the post of chairman, declined.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is an obvious agenda behind this move, obviously the people of Tobago is seen by Panday as non supporters of his. He would do anything to ensure he stays in power with the support of blind loyalists.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai