Tuesday, January 12, 2010

There's no Jack Warner team

Jack Warner has confirmed that contrary to what is reported in the Trinidad Guardian he is not running a slate in the UNC's January 24 internal election.

The front page banner headline in Tuesday's paper is: "From Ramjack to Kamjack".

The paper reported that there is a Warner slate comprising some of Warner's political colleagues who were active with him in the Movement for Change. They include Dr Rupert Griffith, Sylvester Ramquar and Don Sylvester.

All three are current members of the national executive of the party.

Warner had said previously that he will not run with a slate because that is perceived as developing "cliquism". He had also said that as chairman he will work with whoever wins the election to rebuild the UNC and prepare it to win an election.

In an interview Tuesday with JYOTI he confirmed that his position has not changed.

He agreed that some of his colleagues have been nominated but insisted that each of them is running as an independent.

"There is no Warner slate," he said.

Warner has written to the editor of the paper on the matter. Warner's letter is reproduce below:

"A report in the Guardian of January 12, 2009 lists the names of certain individuals who are said to be on the Jack Warner’s slate to contest the UNC Internal Elections. This report is untrue and incorrect.

"Repeatedly I have said that I would contest the Internal Elections without a slate. I am of the belief that the concept of "slate politics" can be divisive and conflict-ridden.

"At a time when the Party is crying out for healing, slate politics can only lead to further divisions that can do irreparable and irreversible damage to the Party’s internal relations.

"I have consistently maintained that when I am voted in as Party Chairman my first assignment would be to repair and mend broken relations in the Party and forge the path towards meaningful progress.

"As Party Chairman, my job would require me to work with all persons who are elected, which makes it a condition precedent that I remain unbiased, unprejudiced and impartial. I must be able to win the appeal of all.

"That said, in the coming days, just as I have endorsed Ms. Persad- Bissessar for the post of Political Leader, I reserve my right to endorse particular candidates who bring experience and political vitality to the table.

"With the close of nominations and with the disclosure of the calibre of candidates, I may choose to endorse particular candidates during the campaign.

"In this regard, therefore, the newspaper report is regrettable. I wish to also indicate that contrary to the said report, that there is no official or unofficial accommodation between myself and any other candidate or slate.

"My only accommodation is with the membership of the UNC."

Jack Warner, MP, Chaguanas

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