Monday, January 18, 2010

Ramesh gets an endorsement from his wife, Lynette

Ramesh L. Maharaj is getting an endorsement from his spouse, Lynette Maharaj.

It's an unusual move as the campaign for the leadership of the United National Congress enters its final week.

Generally spouses keep a distance from the political platform. the wife of UNC leader Basdeo Panday accompanies him to most political events and sits on the stage at meeting but she does not speak.

Kamla Persad-Bissessar's husband, Dr Greg Bissessar, has been involved with his spouse's campaign but has stayed in the background.

But on Sunday Lynette Maharaj broke the tradition and mounted the political stage to defend her husband and endorse him as the best person to lead the UNC.

She told supporters now is the time for people to discover "the man inside" the politician and activist.

"He is a tough man, but a fair and a good man," she said. "For every politician, skill and training for the job are important, but character is the most critical factor.

"For, it is by how you deal with people, the manner in which you carry out your duties, the values you display, the examples you set, that right-thinking members of society will judge you," Lynette, who is a respected attorney, said about her husband.

He urged UNC members to separate the reality from the rhetoric and they'll discover a man who has "courage, judgement, integrity and dedication."

She said her husband would restore the UNC to its greatness and take the UNC into government and urged UNC members to make it happen.

"With your voices and your vote, he would lead you into Government, govern in your interest, maintaining the highest standards of ethical behaviour and instill in you a new sense of pride in your country," she said.

Mrs Maharaj noted that it was her husband who helped shape the party in 1991 - two years after it was founded - to take on the PNM and push the NAR into oblivion, noting that at that time "our friend Kamla Persad-Bissessar, once a law student in our chambers, was an NAR candidate."

She said despite attempts by political opponents and some sections of the media to demonise him, he remains a leader."No one can take that away from him. He leads from in front and he walks the talk," she said.

She also praised the present UNC leader's contribution to the development of the party and to the country.

"Ramesh’s bid for leadership at this time is with full acknowledgement and recognition, that had it not been for Basdeo Panday’s contribution, none of us would be here today," she said.

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