Thursday, January 28, 2010

Panday won't fight election results but believes vote was sabotaged

Opposition Leader Basdeo Panday said Wednesday he is not power hungry and will not take any action with regards to the missing membership cards discovered at the UNC headquarters earlier this week.

He still believes it was sabotage by those opposed to him but in an interview with the Trinidad Express he said he is satisfied that the public is aware of the matter.

"I don’t intend to do anything about it, so long as the public knows that is good enough for me. People are entitled to take action if they wish, but so long as the public know what they have done that is good enough for me," he told the paper.

"I am not contesting the results of the action, I just want the people to know what happened so they would know why they could not vote, because their names were deliberately excluded from the list," he added.

He suggested that the election was not fair based on the evidence that he has uncovered.

The Warner campaign had made a big fuss about allegations of irregularities in compiling the voter list for the election but Panday claimed that there might have been sabotage that benefited the Warner and Persad-Bissessar campaigns.

"I think they spread that rumour because they knew what they were long as people know the fraud that they have inherited that’s good enough for me," Panday told the paper.

He assured those who never received their cards that he would "do all in my power to have these cards distributed to them, even if they want to keep it as a souvenir".

Panday reiterated what he had said during his campaign that there is a move to betray the party by those who lead it today.

"Have you seen how the COP has been rejoicing?" he asked, but told the paper he didn't feel betrayed because "in politics you must expect anything". He reminded the paper of his own statement about politics - that it has "a morality of its own."

He told the paper he is willing to work with the new executive. "It depends on what they want me to do, if they want me to destroy the UNC I would not do that...I will work with anybody, as I have always said I don’t have a single spiteful bone in my body," he said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this man has to be either mad or dotish, what the hell the public knowing would accomplish, these cards were at rienzi for around three years according to Vasant (another mad man), why were they not given out, this cuss formr UNC supporters who went over to COP, by the way he has finally learnt how to pronounce COP, he no longer is reffering to them as corps, now that they returned to vote him out he is talking about fraud. they could give him all those votes and he would still loose.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

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Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai