Thursday, January 21, 2010

Panday tells UNC don't put a 'drunk captain' in charge of UNC ship

As the internal election of the United National Congress (UNC) heads into the home stretch Basdeo Panday is appealing to UNC members to vote for a "sober captain" to steer the ship to victory.

Speaking at public meeting he used the case of the Exxon Valdeez to illustrate his point.

The oil tanker ran aground several years ago in Alaska, spilling millions of litres of crude oil and endangering wildlife and the environment.

“You know why that ship ran aground? The captain was drunk. You cannot therefore, make mistakes like that," Panday said. "The captain of your ship is extremely important because that is the captain who will carry you."

He said he is the right captain to steer the UNC ship but he also needs a sober crew, which is why he is asking for UNc members to elect his them on Sunday.

“But, the captain alone can’t run the ship. The captain needs a crew and that’s why on Sunday you will, not only determine who will be the captain of the ship, you will also determine who will be the crew."

Panday urged people not to ignore politics or to become disenchanted because it determines everything in life.

"I know you are concerned about making a living and taking care of your family so you tend to say to hell with politics. But, politics is the most important part of your life. It determines if your child gets a place in school.

"Politics determines the price of goods, whether you have a car or not,” Panday said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your advice is welcomed Mr. Panday, and that is why we MUST vote Kamla for leader, we MUST put someone who can think clearly, I would be indebted to you forever for giving such great advice, you have been a yoke of suffering to members of this once great party, and we would send you off in a blaze of glory with boots on, oh thank you, again you have demonstrated what a great leader you are indeed, thanks again for such GREAT advice. You have warned the tiger but have not paid attention to the tigress.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai