Saturday, January 9, 2010

Panday launches campaign for leadership, urges supporters to save UNC

Basdeo Panday was in top form as he returned to the political stage Friday night to launch his campaign for reelection as leader of the United National Congress (UNC), which he founded in 1989.

He did it in Penal Junction in the heart of the constituency of Siparia, which is held by Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who is running against him for the party’s top post and is perceived as standing a good change to beat Panday.

In an address to a crowd estimated by a party source to be 3,500 Panday launched an attack on Persad-Bissessar but only made a passing reference to the other challenger, Tanbaquite MP Ramesh L. Maharaj, saying Maharaj has much to answer for his betrayal in 2001 that led to the fall of the UNC government.

He also attacked Chaguanas West MP Jack Warner, whom he criticized as a selfish opportunist who is trying to get control of the party to advance himself.

Before going into his attacks, the former prime minister urged people to think carefully about the future of their party before making their decision on January 24. And he repeated what he said before – that the election is not about him.

"It is about you and the future of your children and your family. This election is not about me; this election is about the future of your Party which you have given so much of your blood, sweat and tears to build over the past 20 years. This election is about who will lead you into the next UNC Government,” he said.

In a clear reference to Warner, Panday said, "This election is about whether the instrument you have so laboriously built over the years will fall into the hands of international conmen, ambitious power seekers or inebriated egotists, or
whether it will disintegrate altogether by swallowed up in another party.

"The choice is yours; that is what I mean when I say this election is about you; not about
me. Your future is now in your own hands. When the UNC is destroyed, who or what will protect you? Who will fight for you? Who will defend you?” he asked.

Panday spoke about the party’s decision to reject 16,000 membership applications, explaining that the flood of so-called new members was a scam to try to steal the party.

“Any fool could see what they are trying to do. Pad the list and take over the leadership of the Party and then sell it to the highest bidder.

And he again repeated his pledge to honour the wishes of the UNC membership.

”I have told you a hundred times, if I have told you once, that I will only lead you if you need me and as long as I have your support…I have solemnly promised you on many
occasions that the day you do not want me as your leader I shall never be a yoke on your neck.

"I shall go with dignity…I have also told you that as long as you need me I
shall be there. This is your opportunity to tell me whether I should continue as your leader or not.

"On January 24 you will determine that question. Whichever way you decide I shall honour your decision” he said.

Panday warned UNC members not to betray the party.

“You have shed too much blood, sweat and tears to allow that to happen. Do not ever forget that those who now wish to lead your Party were never there when you were bleeding in pain
to give birth to it, and when you were sweating to nurture it.

"They were not there even to witness the miracle. This is your Party; you gave birth to it; you nurtured it to survive for twenty years. When a mother gives birth to a child she does not stand by and see their child kidnapped and destroyed.

"Those who now wish to kidnap your child were not there when it was born; they have
no love, no feeling for it. Do not let your child be kidnapped...Those who want to kidnap your Party speak of change; the only change they want is to kill your leader and take his place so that they can take your base and ride to power,” he said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ramesh had allot to answer, Mr. Panday? So why wasn’t he asked to answer before he was brought back before the last General Election?

Jack Warner a “selfish opportunist who want to get control of the party to advance himself”. When did this become evident? Was it after you accompanied him to Africa on a private Jet to meet Mandela or was it before? Or is this just another of what Panday is famous for?

"It is about you and the future of your children and your family. This election is not about me; this election is about the future of your Party which you have given so much of your blood, sweat and tears to build over the past 20 years. “This election is about who will lead you into the next UNC Government”, this election is about whether the instrument you so laboriously built over the years will fall into the hands of international conmen, ambitious power seekers or inebriated egotists” Panday said.

If only Mr. Panday would listen to those words and sit back and really allow it to sink in, he must realise that this is exactly why he must step down. The UNC under Panday has continually lost support; therefore he claiming to want to protect and save the party is but ludicrous. Much of the UNC support has left the party, and by the member ship committee having to reject 16,000 members indicate that many were willing to come back with the hope that someone else may become leader. Therefore this talk about wanting to save the party is nothing but an attempt at playing on the emotions of the people. The COP was formed because of discontentment with Panday, who (as he claimed) handed the leadership to Dookeran, then forced him out. The cop, in it’s infancy got 148,000 votes in the 2007 General Election which constituted former UNC supporters and those who were not blindly aligned to ant one party; who would never vote for the UNC under Panday neither would they vote for the PNM.

Kamla is seen as the only leader (once elected) who can bridge the widening gap between the opposing forces. However, listening to her on the campaign trail, some of her pronouncement has me a bit concerned. Her statement about not selling out the UNC base, I am not concerned about any UNC base; I am more concerned about a base that will take our country forward, all included.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

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