Thursday, January 21, 2010

Letter: Quo Vadis, UNC?

The accusations have been flying from one side to the next, then back to the one, then back, again, to the next.

I'm speaking, of course, of the volleys emanating from each team of candidates for the upcoming United National Congress (UNC) National Executive elections.

If the onlooker did not know better, the onlooker would have concluded that bitter enemies, not members of the same aggregation, were engaged in a battle to the death - indeed, one contestant has declared that if another wins, in short order the UNC would be dead.

To which another backhanded that already the UNC is dead, or in a deep coma.

Whatever anyone's take on the whole picture, it's clear that, for some time now, the UNC is not as united as its name triumphantly suggests.

Which is not a bad thing, for, doubtlessly, at last the party has become what, from the outset, it said it would be - quite democratic. Because of that development, over the past eight years thereabouts, the political leadership has suffered the unthinkable - open castigation from members of all categories.

And, why must the political leadership not be thus upbraided? Is not the UNC the party of the rising sun?

And, does not the sun - more comprehensively than any other instrument - bring the hidden into full public glare, or kill mildewed notions of how things need to be done?

Besides, why must anyone personally attack another because another decided to enter the election race?

Doesn't the UNC's constitution guarantee its members such a right? And, doesn't it insist that, where choosing its leadership team is concerned, the will of the majority will prevail?

That means that not a single position on the UNC's National Executive panel is earned by birthright!

All who wish to lead must face the internal polls and, if seeking re-election, must agree to have every aspect of their fast-concluding term subjected to examination - and exposure as necessary - every aspect...else be shown the door!

So! Quo vadis, UNC?

By instituting the one-member-one-vote rule, you blazed a path through territory that others had determined cannot be traversed. It's left to be seen, come January 25th 2010, whether that path leads to new life...or not.

Richard Wm. Thomas,

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai