Thursday, January 7, 2010

Letter: Panday asked prodigals to return, so he sould welcome them

Sympathy, was the only emotion that I could conjure when I heard of the decision by Mr. Panday and his agents of 'no change', inclusive of the ever present RLM, to reject the applications of 16,000 new members.

It was as if this group took a huge step backwards in time.

Mr. Panday has preached publicly and privately the notion of uniting the people, he has repeatedly called for former UNC members to "come back home".

He has even preached on national platforms and to me personally that he would like ALL opposed to the PNM to choose a leader of the opposition forces in an election.

Now that this is nearing reality he shifts his position because the projected result does not seem favourable to him.

Poor Mr. Panday, the lion killer has indeed become the whimpering lamb.

The UNC have finally been able to energise the population from the bottom up and get 16,000 to move to the party, just as Mr. Panday had always hoped.

All that Mr. Panday has preached for has now been realised. Why then the change of heart?

His argument has no basis. Under the constitutions of the political parties in Trinidad and Tobago, when one person belonging to a political party joins another, the person automatically resigns from the original political party he belonged as no party allows for persons to belong to more than one party.

So there can be no issue as to belonging to more than one party. The COP's constitution for example clearly states at clause 3.3 that "Any person who is eligible to vote at a National Election in Trinidad and Tobago is eligible for membership in the Party if she/he: ...(iii) is not a member of any other political party or is not a member of any organization the aims, objects, principles, policies and programmes of which are contrary to or is inconsistent with those of the Party.

Similar clauses exist in the other party constitutions including the UNC.

Why is Mr. Panday and his agents so afraid of the voice of the people? Are these not the same people he is trying to convince his supporters that he can get to rally behind him to win a general election?

Mr. Panday's words have finally caught up with his actions and they are appear to be in conflict.

It is indeed sad to see that the bravado of the lion killer has been replaced with the whimper and incoherence of the scared lamb.

Gavin Nicholas


Why am I completely unmoved by the "banning" of an alleged 16,000 new voters?

Surely only members already on board when the elections were announced could have the right to vote - and this applies to every organization! You cannot buy shares in a company two days before dividends are paid, and expect to get dividends.

Frankly, I do not believe that there are 16,000 people out there who genuinely wish to "join" the UNC.

Peter O'Connor

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai