Friday, January 1, 2010

Letter: Moonilal's captivity

Mr Moonilal started off as a rising star in the UNC but he is now plummeting in credibilty since he assumed the role as Panday's strategist and campaign manager.

He has been training his guns on Kamla first with his "kamjack" fabrication, then his fraudulent claim of unanimous Parliamentraians' support and now the claim of the UNC's Women's Arm support which also turned out to be fraudulent.

These were all attempts to convey the impression that Kamla is without support.

Mr.Moonilal I admire Mikela's love for her father but it was unkind and insensitive of you to advertise her as one of the two UNC women of the women's Arm in support of Mr Panday.I admire her courage and love which she has been showing since her father declared his candidacy.

I also notice that you are persisting with the original tactic of Warnerising Kamla's candidacy. That has proven itself to be ineffective.

As a citizen I am concerned about the plan on the part of your group to deny her the post of Leader of the Opposition should she win the post of Political Leader.

You and you group seem bent on carrying on an internal war within the Party even after the election.

Kamla is talking about pulling the Party together and healing the Party and you are already talking about ganging up against her.

You must remember that this is all about the People's Voice.

Why are you already talking about ignoring the spirit of democracy by denying her the Opposition Leadership. Admit it Mr. Moonilal, your attempt to the Party's Arm to fake support for Mr.Panday has failed to yeild the desired result but has succeeded in hurting your campaign.

The Cult of Panday is fast becoming a curse which could seal our doom to eternal PNM rule and the degeneration of our Nation.

Mr.Moonilal you are a young and intelligent man I have great difficulty in understanding why you and your other colleagues who are held captive cannot break free.

Have no fear of the the Red Bereted Lion. He is only an Ass in a Lion's skin You will not go down in history as ingrates or neemakharams. You will be hailed as patriots who showed love and willingness to sacrifice for the country.

Contributed by Kaboni. Reprinted from the Trinidad Guardian

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai