Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Letter: Give Kamla her due

As I write this note, my hand still trembles after the great political earthquake which struck Reinzi Complex, shattering the old structure allowing winds of change to blow through, an let the sun shine once more.

I am no hypocrite, I have told many of you that I voted for Panday on Sunday. This was expected by many of you, but this vote was not because I viewed Kamla Persad incapable, or didn't want her to be leader, it was just an act or sentiment which I expressed in return for the great role Basdeo Panday has personally played in my life.

But today is a new day, new beams of light shine from the sun, younger if not brighter ones.

History has been made, what Kamla Persad Bissesar has done is quite remarkable, she has broken down the walls of nostalgia, she has caused and led individuals to be stronger and stand for what they believe and what they want, all in a effort to remove the PNM.

This can be seen in the monstrous avalanche of votes for her compared to the minute amount for Bas, which I was part of.

Mr.Panday I would always love you, I have proved that to you by voting for you on Sunday, going down with the sinking ship, while all those I knew voted for Kamla.

But the people have spoken, it cannot be any louder or clearer, they want Kamla, and the voice of the people is the voice of God.

So let no man, no woman, let no object that is of this world stop Kamla from having her moment in the sun, and in control of the party of the rising sun.

This was not given to her as it was to Dookeran, so it is not anyone's own to take back. She has toiled hard, year upon year and this is her reward.

It is her thanks for hard work, it his her time.

Therefore, as a member of this great party, a former member of the UNC executive of Arima, a former Platform speaker for this party, a recipient of an award of this party and Basdeo Panday supporter, I endorse Kamla Persad Bissesar as the leader of the opposition.

She needs this time, so she could show the public the grit and ironed will person she is.

As I say I am no hypocrite, I supported Panday on Sunday out of sympathy and sentiment, I have never viewed Kamla as incapable. In fact I am positive she would do a great job.

She would be a vision of hope, inspiration, especially to our young women, and to many of you who know me well, you would know this is a cause which i have championed through my various youth groups.

I have not written this note to pave the way..to suck to anyone ..to cover my tracks, it is a note meant to give credit where credit is due. A note to give support and strength to those who are now in place to defend us.

On Sunday night after the results many of you may have seen I was leaving politics, it was not of disappointment, but out of fear.

There were those who were high up in the Kamla campaign, knowing I was supporting Bas telling me to leave politics if Kamla won, one even said "don't come and ask for no position".

But I would not leave this great party, neither poltics, I am strong and no one would dictate to me what I should do. I have never received anything based on favoritism, but for my track record and on merit.

When I made debut on the platforms I did not speak only of the greatness of Basdeo Panday, but of all others and Kamla herself....when I tried to get support for this party, it was not only for Panday but for all other members even Kamla.

When I crossed party lines to work with the COP the "Axe the tax" campaign, I did it because Kamla was doing it.

So I have always worked with all the members of this party and Kamla, and now she is at the head she has my full support. I would protect her, strengthen her, and serve her as I would my mother, my sister, as I would do for a wife and even a daughter. Thus ensuring she realises her potential.

Bas boi, I would love you to the end, but allow us to move on. GIVE KAMLA WAT IS DUE TO HER. YOU would never be forgotten, but I endorse Kamla for opposition leader.

Nicholas Morris

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai