Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jack writes Panday, calls for NATEX meeting to discuss election

Jack Warner sent a letter to UNC leader Basdeo Panday telling him "the rejection of approximately 16,000 membership applications in the run-up to the UNC internal election is the most undemocratic, unconstitutional, autocratic and almost tyrannical decision ever made by our great Party."

He said decision is unfair and not based not on logic "but on sinister motives by those desirous of perpetuating their stay in office illegally."

He noted that under the national executive of the party (NATEX) has the power to deal directly with applications for membership yet at no time was any meeting of the NATEX convened to deal with applications that were made prior to December 18th 2009.

"If any meeting was convened I must state categorically that I was not invited to same. I am also informed by Messrs. Sylvester Ramquar, Don Sylvester and Rupert Griffith that they too were never invited to any meeting to discuss the membership list.

"It has also been reported in the media that Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar and Dr Suruj Rambachan were also never privy to a discussion on the list. In fact, like me, Mrs. Bissessar is said to have been shocked by the decision which was obviously taken by a few members in some clandestine meeting.

"The fact that members were informed of this decision via the media is an insult to the NATEX, the Party and its Constitution," Warner wrote.

The Chagunas MP, whio is running for the chairmanship of the UNC, said the decision is illegal and ultra vires the UNC Constitution.

He asked, "What were the reasons behind this decision? Who were the persons who supported it? What were the criteria used in dismissing these forms?"

Warner said he has heard Panday's explanation in the media that "it was humanly impossible" to examine all the new forms.

"I have also heard you say that the influx of membership applications was evidence that someone was trying to hijack the Party. Both of the above reasons are irrational, unreasonable and politically idiotic and foolhardy," he said, pointing out that NATEX had appointed Elections and Membership Committees and both were outfitted "with the relevant resources to get the job done on time."

He said there is no evidence to support the suggestion that there was no enough time to process the applications and neither was there any evidence that the new membership drive was an attempt to hijack the Party "when the majority of the membership forms were given to the Panday family and friends".

Warner asked Panday what was the point of printing additional and setting up the machinery to receive them in the first place.

"It was on the premise that there was an expectation of an influx of potential members. Your rationale therefore does not make sense. What this decision has done is to subvert the democratic process and the principles of fairness, equity, justice and integrity," he said.

"This decision has frustrated thousands of people who have a right to vote; the very people the Party would seek to attract in a Local or General Elections. How can we attract them later on when we reject, shun and run them now?" he asked.

He said the party's decision has effectively destroyed "the ambitions, objectives and motives of the UNC. It has also jeopardised our Party’s chances at the national polls."

Warner asked Panday to urgently convene a meeting of all NATEX members to discuss this issue.

"We must do what is right for our members, our potential members, our Party and our country," he said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if these people understand that many are looking at this election and would question the credibility of this party to run a country. Panday on every occassion he gets, preaches of that this is democracy, but these allegations and counter allegations are not doing the party any good.

Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai