Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Letter: "For this you will pay", Jack tells gov't

So, the unpopular Property Tax is now law.

Government, in spite of all the assurances from the Minister of Finance that private property is not under attack, has placed a legislation on the books that continues to threaten citizens who are owners of real estate in Trinidad and Tobago.

It was against the Property Tax that citizens agitated on December 18, 2009, citing the oppressive and immoral character of the Bill.

It was against this Property Tax that they marched with a view to be able to own property which can be passed over to their posterity and remain within their family domain.

Through letters to the editor the nation resisted this tax. Through voluminous calls to talk show hosts the citizens expressed their displeasure at this Property Tax measure but in spite of the arguments forwarded, the caring People’s National Movement chose to ignore the cries of its people and voted the Property Tax into law.

For this Property Tax, innocent, law-abiding citizens were beaten and abused. For this Property Tax, pain and hurt were inflicted on many who chose to raise their voices in protest with a view to change the Government’s plan.

For this Property Tax, some were beaten and manhandled while under the protection of a Constitution which gave to them the right to protest against wrongdoing.

What sort of caring Government would impose such a tax at a time when the economy is wounded from recession?

What sort of Government dares to exact more taxes from its people at a time when the very perception of its character suggests that it is corrupt and immoral?

Mr. Manning must know that every tax, every rate, forcibly imposed or taken from unwilling citizens is an act of corruption and when physical violence is used to stifle freedom of expression and silence the will of the people such acts are not just diametrically opposed to morality but also signals that the Government is aware of the heinous nature of this measure which is why they went out of their way last Friday to crush the people’s attempt to protest.

Something is inherently wrong with the way this Property Tax is organized. It seems strange that the method of a simple majority can be used to pass legislation which poses a threat to people’s right to maintain ownership of their property.

This type of situation suggests constitutional interests and as such a special majority ought to have been required.

But this Property Tax will be challenged in a court of law.

Minister Nunez-Tesheira’s attempt to assure and comfort the citizens of this country must never be regarded as serious.

She has made many empty promises on the economy before and made questionable statements on her own dealings with CLICO and all have been nothing more than sounding brass and tinkling symbols.

Of all the PNM Ministers, when Nunez-Tesheira tells you to stand up, you know that is the legitimate reason for you to run.

My people, a wise and frugal government will never arbitrarily take from the labour of its citizens the bread they have earned. It will never through oppressive taxation deprive our children of meat, drink, necessities, comforts and amusements that keep families and a society together.

This is the message that the innocent protesters were trying to get across to the caring PNM Government; the message which relates the hardship and pain that this Property Tax would inflict upon all of us.

Yet for this they were beaten so obsessed this Government became as they sought to pass this Bill.

I want to lodge a protest as a citizen of this country but Mr. Prime Minister if we as a people cannot by reason, by influence, by example and by strenuous effort seek to mend bad decisions which are being forced on us by a failed government; can you suggest what other method there is available under the Constitution for innocent and dissatisfied citizens like me to use to protest?

Sadly, the Property Tax is now law and the abuse that we have suffered at your hands in your pursuit to make this happen will never be forgotten.

You will pay. The people of this country will never forget you even if they try to do so, for as a leader your acts have been far too oppressive for us as a people.

The father of the nation, as you call yourself is no more. To the Phillipinos, Malaysians, Chinese and the Harts who work at your residence, to them you may be father but to us you are nothing more than an abusive step-father.

For passing this Property Tax you will pay. This will never be forgotten. You have ushered in a dark day in the history of our nation and for that you will pay.

Jack Warner | MP Chagunas West

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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