Sunday, December 27, 2009

Letter: Fear and favour of Panday

This highly predictable occurrence was no stunning political development yet it is of political significance because it shows the extent to which the Parliamentarians are out of step with the electorate.

I think that we've had ample indication of how unpopular Mr.Panday is among the members of the Party and the people of the country.

The Ryan poll and other less scientific indicators including Mr Panday's own assessment of himself (No longer politically attractive) all show that he is incapable of leading his Party to victory in the next general election.

This development was expected because of fear and favour.

This was no rallying around Mr Panday, rather is was a retention of a formation of supporters who habitually show loyalty because of fear of the consequences of doing otherwise.

Their necks know only one movement in their communications with Mr.Panday that is the nod of approval which they have been doing for years.

It is sad and disappointing to see otherwise good men like Tim Gopiesingh and Wade Mark with that flaw of political character.

It also shows that these Parliamentarians have ignored one of the most important political philosophy lessons given by their Leader inspired by Niccolo Machiavelli. This oft repeated lecture tells us that politics has its own rules and has no room for sentimentality and emotions.

It is based on pragmatism in the quest for power. You do what it takes to win. In this situation the Parliamentarians are doing what will please the Leader, massage his ego, meet his personal needs and favour an old faithful friend of long standing.

This news story makes no mention that this is a strategic move for winning the next general election.

This all about being kind and grateful to an old man who has done so much in he past with no impotane attached to his ability to win power to save the country Love and fear of Mr.Panday have been put ahead of love of Country.

These MP's and Senators may be seen as spineless opportunists who are too weak to stand up for country but the wrath of Mr.Panday to date has "left no one unscathed".

In the next three weeks we will witness a process of Unity from the bottom or the ground as they say and these Pandayites will have difficulty in answering to their constituents and would be at risk at the polls.

This will also halt the trek from the COP and swell the ranks of Kamla supporters. That so called "rallying around Panday" was Unity at the top of the Party and Kamla will benefit from the broad base Unity at the grassroots.

The Panday habit or dependency has been kicked by many but it is evident that those closest to smoke are still hooked.

Those who have kicked the habit are not "dissidents" who have been left out. They had the strength to break free.

The dynamics of unity will change in the near future and Kamla Bissessar will assume a larger role in bringing not only opposition but bringing the country. The attempts to paint her in Warner and COP colours will also be stepped up in the next two weeks.

Reprinted from the Sunday Guardian: Author - Kaboni

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai