Former cabinet minister Dr Keith Rowley got fired after asking questions about the hotel that is a part of the academy complex.
Rowley and opposition MPs have been invited to the event. Opposition Leader Basdeo Panday won't be there because he is the featured speaker at his party's Monday night forum but he said the United National Congress (UNC) is not boycotting the opening.
Rowley questioned the contstruction of the hotel, which he said was not part of the original design that cabinet approved. There was heated discussion over the matter, which led to Manning kicking Rowley out of cabinet.
Rowley said Manning fired him for raising concerns over a lack of oversight of UDeCOTT’s operations but Manning insisted that he did it because of Rowley's "wajang" behaviour.
While the government and UDeCOTT are excited about the project, Rowley sees it as "a galvanise mausoleum."
Panday will be at the UNC Monday Night meeting in El Dorado and most other MPs have indicated that they would be engaged in other more important matters.
Senator Wade Mark did not offer any excuse other that to say it is inappropriate to attend since "UDeCOTT is mired in so much controversy. Until that matter is settled, it would be difficult for me to be part of that."
Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal shares Mark's view.
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