Sunday, November 1, 2009

Manning administration worst in 50 years: Dumas

Retired diplomat Reginal Dumas believes the Manning PNM administration is the worst this country has had in the past 50 years, calling the government "clueless".

Dumas made the statement in an interview with the Express newspaper in reaction to reports that a national flag at the Hasely Crawford Stadium in Port of Spain may have cost $2 million.

Sports Minister Gary Hunt told reporters last week he didn't know what the flag cost but if it was $2 million the cost is justified because of the symbolism of the flag that generates national pride.

"If it costs that amount ($2 million), the Government of T&T is happy and proud to create a symbol of national pride, which our flag should imbue in all citizens,” the Trinidad Guardian reported him as saying.

Read the story:
$2M national flag? It's worth it!

Dumas said if Hunt's comments represent the intellectual level of the current ministers, the country is in serious trouble.

"I have never heard such rubbish coming out of a minister of Government in this country or any other country in a long time," Dumas said.

"I think that I was representing this country long before Mr Hunt was born, and I really do not need him to tell me about national pride," said Dumas. "The country lacks proper political leaders at all levels," he noted.

"Leadership is not a question of the post that you hold, and I am afraid that across the spectrum, whether one is talking about the Government or whether one is talking about the Opposition, there is a vacuum," Dumas said.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai