Monday, November 23, 2009

Letter: The weapon of economic shutdown

Not for the first time have those "good corporate citizens" blatantly displayed their true and sole allegiance and that, sadly, has never been to the welfare of the Republic or to that of their customers - the citizens of T&T.

While they may "like it so", the wider society is suffering, even as they increase their fortunes at our expense. It should be obvious, even to them, that such a situation cannot much longer endure.

The EEC and the Chamber of Commerce, despite pious bleatings and feeble protests against PNM abuses have promised to implement the most draconian measures at their disposal against workers who heed the call by an amalgamation of 37 civic bodies ranging from NGO's to trade unions, to shut down the country for the next 2 working days as a token protest against PNM abuse of power.

Should employers succeed once more in frustrating this latest venting of popular anger, national frustration and the fear obvious, even among hard core PNM support since '02, our so called economic exemplars will have ensured a far more violent, bloody and destructive manifestation of anger in a society already pushed way beyond the constraints of traditional apathy.

Indeed one wonders whether in their desperate determination to preserve 2 day's trading profits, that they realise that they have finally aligned themselves publicly and inextricably with the most unpopular ruling dispensation since independence, against which the protests are aimed.

This is only the more obvious since the silence of their consent, without which Robinson could not have ignored both incumbency and the majority vote after 10/12/01, is widely recognised.

Given that deliberate abdication of democratic and civic responsibilities calculated to stem a rising tide of lean and keen Indo penetration into their traditional markets, their commitment, or lack of same, becomes obvious.

When further, the on going impact of that compromise of democracy upon our once safe and happy society is considered, big business owes their long suffering customers, we the people, significantly more than 2 day's of trading profits, a debt only aggravated by their obvious pro Manning stance!

As local barons of the board room are well aware, T&T is a market driven economy.

As such no ruling dispensation can either prevent or hope to survive a protracted shut down in any major area of economic activity, a threat Eric Williams was wise enough to recognise in the immediate aftermath of his "Pass by mamaguy but don't buy" campaign against those he demonised as "descendants of the plantocracy".

But then, he was yet to successfully suborn those same barons of the board rooms!

Economic shutdown as a political weapon is as valid today as it was in 1955.

It should have been implemented prior to '07 and might have been, had it not been for corporate greed and the carte blanche proffered to them by Manning.

The alternative to that, the only comparatively bloodless measure by which T&T may yet see the back of Manning, his incompetent minions and the blight of the PNM mindset is an invitation to some articulate rabble rouser to harness popular discontent and focus it against big business as an initially acceptable to a popular, bloody and destructive insurrection, against which Bakr will appear to have been a choir boy.

The choice is yours dear baron of the board room; continue to count your profits in splendid isolation, or dedicate a part thereof in order to shut down and reclaim our country from it's despoilers.

This is the only atonement available to you for your sins of silence, political compromise and financial support, of which you have been guilty since 1956. Accept it and consider yourself fortunate.

Reject it and reap what you have sown!

Cry the beloved country

TG Mendes | via Internet

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai