Monday, November 9, 2009

Letter: PNM secure while opposition remains divided

Common sense is not common.

The 18 18 election result demonstrated that the PNM support is +/- 48 to 52% of the electorate. Those opposed to the PNM control the difference.

Anyone seeking to gain support for a third force from any sector of the electorate other than the PNM is participating in an endeavour to maintain the PNM electoral advantage.

Simple maths: 52% divided in two or three cannot result in any one part being more than 48%. If this is not clear to those who are seeking political power then they are certainly not fit to lead anyone.

Steve Alvarez | Political Leader of The DPTT

You are ignoring the "no-shows" - the registered voters who do not show up, but who are there. 48 to 52 will always defeat 48 to 52; - 2, but 48 to 52 : - 2 + ? can do the trick!

We must step out of the mold that our only salvation lies in sleeping with the dead!

Peter O'Connor

I am certainly not advocating sleeping with anyone. The real issue is how to deal with the issues that seek to divide the opposing forces.

If Panday or anyone else is an obstacle to Unity then deal with that. The answer can very likely be endeavors to unite all our people not just those opposed to the PNM.

The DPTT was formed and continues to be dedicated to National Unity not Opposition Unity.

The real problem with the fractions of the UNC is that One fraction believes that they were treated badly by Panday not allowing them to lead the Opposition in Parliament and because they believed he undermined their leadership so they walked away with a part of the Opposing votes.

Today they hold their head up high and boast about being able to get over One hundred thousand of the opposing votes but no seat.

The perpetuation of that sector cannot be in the best interest of anyone but the PNM. If that is not clear then I do not know what can be done to make it simpler to understand.

The real task is to deal with those who are obstructionists to unity and the development of Trinidad & Tobago by gaining the trust and support of those who love Trinidad & Tobago.

Any attempt to continue the divide is an exercise in stupidity.

Steve Alvarez

Another comment:

Until we who love our country get to the point where it properly sinks in that the threat posed to our common well-being by the Patrick Manning-led PNM administration is greater than that posed, or could be posed, by any animosity amongst us, then, I'm afraid, the PNM crapaud will continue to smoke our collective pipe.

Richard Wm. Thomas

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