Monday, November 2, 2009

Letter: Panday's double standards

Basdeo Panday has always complained that there is one rule and one law for the PNM and another for everybody else. But he too practices the same thing inside the UNC.

When Jack Warner met the Prime Minister in January, Panday attacked Warner. He said Warner met the PM without the permission of the UNC.

Did Panday get the approval of the UNC National Executive for his meeting with the PM on Tuesday?

He says the PM called him behind the Speaker's chair and he accepted. When did he consult the executive which to him is superior to his singular post of Political Leader?

Is the UNC National Executive going to persecute him the way they persecuted Warner for accepting to meet with the PM without prior consent from the executive?

Panday will say that as Opposition Leader he can act on his own, but Warner met with the PM in his capacity as a football administrator!

Did Warner need party approval to meet the PM as a football administrator? Clearly not!

Panday accused Warner of meeting with the PM to cut political deals, insisting that that could be the only reason an embattled politician would meet the PM.

What would he say of his own meeting now?

Panday is politically embattled - more now than ever, as evidenced by the overwhelming calls at last week's National Congress for him to step down as UNC Leader.

He also has a mountain of legal issues.

He fits the bill of someone who needs to cut political deals, especially where Local or General elections are round the bend.

Perhaps he is counting on the nine-day memory of the population for them to forget what he said of Warner's January meeting with the PM.

Applying his own logic then, one would come to the conclusion that he is going to cut political deals with the PM on Tuesday to save his embattled political self.

If he does not agree with this logic then owes Jack Warner an apology.

Marsha Clarke-Partap | Waterloo, via email

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