Friday, November 20, 2009

"Have a heart, save the nation's children": Panday

Opposition leader's Children's Day message

As we celebrate Universal Children’s Day, it is my wish that we celebrate the lives of those who have gone beyond, that we take time to understand those who have never experienced love, who have been abused, sick, impoverished and those who have been victims of crime, injustice, discrimination and inequality.

As I reflect on the past, having regard to the atrocities meted out to little Sean Luke, Akiel Chambers, Amy Annamunthudo, Hope Arismendez, Leah Lamy and others, I wonder if there has been any change in our system to assist our nation’s children.

Do we have more social workers and counselors in the system to deal with the onslaught of abuse perpetrated by adults against these children? And if so, what happens if they are caught? With the backlog of cases in the system, wouldn’t it take years for families to get justice?

While countries around the world are celebrating the rights of the child, I am calling on the government to pay attention to those who are sick and in need of care, instead of placing their priority on mega projects, large buildings, the purchasing of $2 million flags, cocktail parties, mansions and drapes.

It is very interesting to see what is happening in our nation’s schools where children are being recruited into gangs, they are fighting against one another and even after a football game they are being murdered.

What are the Ministries of National Security, Education and Social and Development doing to curb the spate of violence in our schools?.

I plead with the government to look into the issues surrounding street children, child labour, and the reported abuse at children’s shelters and the trafficking of young ones.

I hail the real heroes in this country such as the Just Because Foundation, the Hispanic Women of Trinidad and Tobago and others who work tirelessly towards assisting children who suffer from different types of cancer and heart disease. You are the unsung heroes of the day!

Children are the very foundation of society, the future of our country and our promise to them should be to create a safe and secure environment for them to learn, live and become civil minded adults.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai